The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i fucking hate the comeing in from a fag malarky although i have to do it most of the time also, but just love going to me own gaff and smoking in the warm and peace lol
Most of the time......when u r sober and cant be bothered with the shit that comes with it. Ie woman. Different story when your pissed. Giving it i dont give a fuck attitude.


Well-Known Member
im such a cheapo i really need to invest in some smoking products but jus find it hard spending £££ on the stuff im getting there tho gone from the 1st pic to the 3rd lol all still free tho lol


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
that 1st one looks like a crack pipe, not that i'd know what one looked like of course lmao ;)

soz missed ur post earlier but theres no point in posting the yid song now is there :( lol


Well-Known Member
that 1st one looks like a crack pipe, not that i'd know what one looked like of course lmao ;)

soz missed ur post earlier but theres no point in posting the yid song now is there :( lol
yeah i dunno what the 1st pipe was spose to really be used for either lol was a long time ago and the method defo works with green, started making them when i was stuck working in a portacabin for 12hrs a day with only a toilet roll,milk bottle top, sellatape and shitloads of green of course lol


Well-Known Member
lmao sambo, they are the most ghetto ass smoking gadgets Ive ever seen! Been time since Ive crafted myself a little can pipe.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why but that first picture reminds me of these creations. Is that just a bog roll tube with a bit of tin foil? hahahahah



Active Member
That smugglers was a bit disapointing, thought it was gonna be really good. I wouldnt have guessed that UK is europes top consumer of cocaine (well we HAVE got dura on our side!) & I cant believe all they seem to smuggle in is truck loads of poobar - haven't seen that shite for years.
Watched the tottenham game,, unlucky lads. all I'll say is that freak show crouch let you down tonight but fuck me, what a player you got in gareth bale. Lad looks fuckin class.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why but that first picture reminds me of these creations. Is that just a bog roll tube with a bit of tin foil? hahahahah

ive seen that b4 wow fucking funny tho still.

yeah was just a toilet roll with a hole in, tin foil gauze over the hole will usually upgrade lol and selatape the gauze on to make it more airtight then put the palm of ya hand covering 1 end and other end to ya mouth free hand to light her up and your good to go lol


Well-Known Member
haha laughed my arse off at that.

off to buy soil today and also ordering some bio-bizz nutes(tri-pack of grow/bloom/topmax) and then when ive got the soil am gonna go a bit mad potting up the seeds i was kindly sent that arrived today (thanks again SM) so will chuck some pics up later.

also chopped the big buddha cheese and armageddon skunk last night as there beyond saving, bit of percy when its dried if nothing else


Well-Known Member
Need Pukka, you about m8. Does anyone know anything bout electrics. Think Ive got too much power going through. When I plugged my other 600 in last night there was a blue flash. Bit para now. When I got up this morning the trip switch had went for my normal lights. Help anyone


Well-Known Member
divide you wattage by your voltage to get the ampage, if ampage is over 15A on a normal ring main stuff will blow
for instance if all you fans and lights add up to 2000W and UK power is 240V so 2000/ 240= 8.3 amps
-------- =ampage


Well-Known Member
Need Pukka, you about m8. Does anyone know anything bout electrics. Think Ive got too much power going through. When I plugged my other 600 in last night there was a blue flash. Bit para now. When I got up this morning the trip switch had went for my normal lights. Help anyone
dunno much bout electrics but have run 1400 of hps with fans etc ina tiny flat for a while never no probs, also seen 2000hps with all the trimmings run ina small 1bed house never no probs?

maybe its something with the ballast or the electrics in general at ya house?