The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
you can still do it for xbox 360 m8 and as for downloading the demo where would u get it from
Online gaming forums..guaranteed someone's burned that demo..far too many ppl looking for it...yorkie might know I'm now allowed to get a ps.. Bitches be crazy haha


Well-Known Member
I had to look up BHO lol sounds like a mean smoke. Never had any contacts that would get anything like that. Best I use to get was blueberry kush off a friend of a friend, most of the time it was street weed, soapbar and on occasions some Afghan gold. That Afghan shit was so pliable you could roll it into sausages and then wrap a rizla round it :D


Well-Known Member
All u need is a glass extraction tube I use a 28g one then coffee filters a Pyrex dish and that is about it tbh mate cheap as chip altogether bet I spent no more that £45 on all the gear oh a laser thermometer helps a lot too theyre only a tenner


Well-Known Member
All u need is a glass extraction tube I use a 28g one then coffee filters a Pyrex dish and that is about it tbh mate cheap as chip altogether bet I spent no more that £45 on all the gear oh a laser thermometer helps a lot too theyre only a tenner
Brilliant.. Fucking bong n add ons is nearly 350 now so I'll be happy out spending 50 quid especially is its like the sample I got its definitly worth it...wonder how much I could charge for that over here...maybe it's too exotic for the Irish market.


Well-Known Member
Lol I canna sell it round here folk don't know what it is plus I want it all for myself anyway haha...get the stuff and you'll be blasting in no time matey....the crumble is going for around 65 a g on agora aint it so I don't so why u couldn't charge the same if its top notch naaa mean....this JD crumble smells the mutts and its nearly done too :)bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Lol I canna sell it round here folk don't know what it is plus I want it all for myself anyway haha...get the stuff and you'll be blasting in no time matey....the crumble is going for around 65 a g on agora aint it so I don't so why u couldn't charge the same if its top notch naaa mean....this JD crumble smells the mutts and its nearly done too :)bongsmilie
Ivw been offered iso for 90 -100e so I could probably charge 100+ a g but likw u said I'd probably want it all for myself cuz for one the cunts wouldn't appreciate the quality nor would they even understand what it is let alone correctly consume it..I'm buying a whole new rig n shit for my agora order n I've not even lollypoppped my plants so that I have to make consintrates n now that it's so easy/cost affective I'm definitely going the bho route.


Well-Known Member
If you could pull decent yields and get he custom its than weed but Yeh mostfolk ain't a clue like
With working now I'm not bothered about selling it this crops gonna do Me till after the summer where as when I was unemployed all i did was smoke non stop. Might offer it to a few people see what they think but the majority of my customers are unemployed so the 100e a g might not be feasible for all but I'll get em all high n see what they think haha