The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Fucking shitting it man we thought it was our takeout since we didn't get notice.. Fucking bitch nearly jumped through the door haha n I'd trimmed two ao house wasn't smelling innocent..hopefully at her old age she can't tell.
Yeah scary when that happens lol I had a copper just walk in my back door once looking for some one else luckily kids was down stairs and managed to persuade him wrong house and when he seen kids playing he went out the back door apologising I proper shit mi knickers lol


Well-Known Member
Nice tactics lax I might have to invest in a big fuck off dog lool a Caucasian Shepherd maybe haha
Haha well-done youve a family a rottweiler would be your best bet they're sheep dogs after Llnso have a serious pack mentally especially if you've em trained n show the kids to handle em..i assure u no1 will ouch you kids haja and one


Well-Known Member
That's what I was to thinking gonna wack 2 canes in each and tie the tallest branches down to the lower level ones then when's all even flip em so it looks kinda like a sog with no net but better :)