The UK Growers Thread!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
m8 im too wrecked to go into detail but ava look at me journal or the last few pics ive posted in the uk thread u really carnt grow worng with bio-bizz
cheers man will have a re read. think looked before but will recap on it. probably still pest you another day tho pick ya brain.


Well-Known Member
"Do you William, take this stuck up social climber to be your lawful wedded wife?"
"I do."
"Do you Kate, take this balding elite sponger to be your lawful wedded husband?"
"I do."

"I therefore pronounce you a further combined drain on the UK's resources."


Well-Known Member
I was taking the piss out of this black bloke in the pub for wearing his sunglasses indoors.

How I laughed when he overheard me, came over and said, "Dem's not sunglasses, dem's ma nostrils."


Well-Known Member
i use a desk fan, the clip on version , its handy if ur growing in a tent as you can just slide it up the tent pole as the plant grows
similar to that, as well as helping to push against the plants,thereby helping develop stem thickness, it also cuts down the direct heat from the light and keeps air moving in the grow area. this cuts down on mould and other possible disease shit. think you can pick them up for as little as £6 or so.


Well-Known Member
when he gets crowned ah wonder if he fancies a wee trip back to the river boyne, me and lotta mates would be more than happy tae accompany him, then on to dublin with a final appearance at Parkhead.....and this time nae fuckin mistakes like leavin any1 left behind tae complain!!......


Well-Known Member
that fan with the clip looks like just the number im after , yes sae canopy m8 , only got baby lights. :P i cant believe i still got smoke left today im a happy boy :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
dooobiedabooooo, i'm forgetting what work is like with all this holliday, just sitting arond morning till noon playing gta and such and being very lazy :D

kevin murphy

New Member
doing a 64 plant grow at moment in uk.. mixed seeds armaggedon x sirrus critical plus moby hash dready cheese ,kalishnkovs,power kush,lady purples ,arjan no#1 maxi gom,quasar,red dwarf,panama,and a few others...


Well-Known Member
Epic aint it get up about lunch time go sleep about the time im ment to get up ! im self employed but fucked my van and equipment so cant work its kinda been since xmas hahahahaha it is nice being a bum ! until the other day that is in my lazy boy thuggy joint going on nailing some head shots on cod and the mrs walks in all happy and smiley 0_o She like "ive got you a job !" yeah yeah my heart sank lol bad times :P so now i gotta go work a shitty job so i can get back to my real job that i cant even be arsed with if only capitalism was never invented. :P


Well-Known Member
doing a 64 plant grow at moment in uk.. mixed seeds armaggedon x sirrus critical plus moby hash dready cheese ,kalishnkovs,power kush,lady purples ,arjan no#1 maxi gom,quasar,red dwarf,panama,and a few others...
got some numbers there pal lets hope your gonna contribute to my area lol