The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just get over to bangkok and you'll very much change that perception haha. I love that line in Mr Nice "do you think they're real nuns mate" "dunno, see if you can buy em for the evening" or whatever it is :D


Well-Known Member
cheers sae ive done alot of research on it , just first time ive ever had to deal with it im still a newbie to all this :) i was almost certain it was male i just didnt want it to turn out it was just new growth and i was mistaking it for sacks and end us killing a good plant.

funny thing is yesterday i wrote an "F?" on the pot as that one was looking like a fem then boom , so i have no ideas what to expect with the others will give them a check before lights out shortly.
well the way i got told was when the buds first start forming.....female you will only see thin hairs, males kinda have a hair/miniature ball formation combo thingymabob

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Fookin ell lads. Just ground up a random piece of bubble hash. Dunno which bag that one came out of but christ, 4 tokes on my joint and i had to come back inside. Might give it another go in an hour :D My mind feels like it's been gang raped by the russian shot put team. 8 rotations, shift weigh, extend arm and penetrate! Now i think of it though, i reckon that might be made into a porn phenomenon. Extreme brute force fisting. Jet Lee could probably put on some good performances. I smell money! :lol:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I got fish cakes to eat by this evening else i'd be charging out the door for some chinese. Restaurant out back of my house haha. Whatcha go for? i'm always boring and get pork with mushrooms and egg fried rice. really need a touch more money ot adventurous. Nowt worse than spening your last penny and ending up with a shitty veg based dish haha


Well-Known Member
Hahaha nothing to exciting first and for most 1.5l coke (ive given myself a sugar addiction) chicken balls with SSS , Beef chow mein , 1/4 Crispy duck n pancakes. :) will be here in half hour so im gonna go nurse the shottie for a bit. :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Fook me! Costs me a tenner for a normal dish and rice, let alone adding 9 quid for a quater duck and that lot. When i lived in hong kong briefly i used to be able to take £5 out with me, and get back home with a shopping bag of bbq pork with rice, duck, cicken, crackers, nom nom nom nom. Don't even get me started on their mcdonalds. delicious! and too cheap not to buy just for the hell of it.


Well-Known Member
i had a wasabi filet o'fish when i was there... with shake shake fries lolz seaweed shake shake is awesome

Fook me! Costs me a tenner for a normal dish and rice, let alone adding 9 quid for a quater duck and that lot. When i lived in hong kong briefly i used to be able to take £5 out with me, and get back home with a shopping bag of bbq pork with rice, duck, cicken, crackers, nom nom nom nom. Don't even get me started on their mcdonalds. delicious! and too cheap not to buy just for the hell of it.


Well-Known Member
also in japan they had a mega teriyaki and in germany they had beer (not a burger just in a regular cup) lolz good ol maccy d's

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
First thing i had when i arrived was mcdonalds, got one of everything hahaha, after that it was straight to a random 30th floor restaurant for black pepper steaks :) I'd love to get abck there


Well-Known Member
i prefer kfc in australia you can get chicken flavour salt on the chips and lil pots of mash with gravy, same in trinidad. Lived in south africa too for a while worst kfc in the world and ive tried a few lol

dont really like mc d's apart from the breakfast in canada you can get a sausage n egg muffin but the muffin is laced with maple syrup lol fucking gross.


Well-Known Member
i prefer kfc in australia you can get chicken flavour salt on the chips and lil pots of mash with gravy, same in trinidad. Lived in south africa too for a while worst kfc in the world and ive tried a few lol

dont really like mc d's apart from the breakfast in canada you can get a sausage n egg muffin but the muffin is laced with maple syrup lol fucking gross.
Maple syrup flavored, we love that over here bro!!!

We still have maple trees I guess? You guys don't?