The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i been about mate, just carnt be arsed nowdays it aint what it was n i dont think it ever will be again, nice1 on ya pal getting out of nick 2mora bet u will be getting mingled!

plus its a day off work aswel lol you smoking anything nice mate?
Smoking on some shit chinky bud, doesn't taste the best but it gets me stoned and was cheap, joys of being skint lol.

I agree man I don't think the thread will ever be the same. I'm considering just fucking off the site all together, just seems to be more hassle and shit than it's worth.

Just think when all us old timers are gone the new thread users will never know what they missed out on. They can read the stories in previous posts from years gone by. But they will never know what kindness and generosity properly went on between a group of us friendly growers lmao. It's a shame for them really.


Well-Known Member
Smoking on some shit chinky bud, doesn't taste the best but it gets me stoned and was cheap, joys of being skint lol.

I agree man I don't think the thread will ever be the same. I'm considering just fucking off the site all together, just seems to be more hassle and shit than it's worth.

Just think when all us old timers are gone the new thread users will never know what they missed out on. They can read the stories in previous posts from years gone by. But they will never know what kindness and generosity properly went on between a group of us friendly growers lmao. It's a shame for them really.
its deffo dieing a death mate, but i agree maybe not so much on my part lol but alot have helped people in this thread theres been a fair amount of non helping too tho lol

it was good while it lasted, what i enjoyed the most was having a place to just have a chat about anything not weed cause anybody with a couple of braincells can grow good weed but the chatting n banter about all sorts, if your growing for just money then talking about weed non stop is fucking boring!!!


Well-Known Member
alright ya jobless cunt stains??

Getting stick off the admin I see lol you cunts need to move along innit. Start your own forum!!!


Well-Known Member
Or wat gets me is.. if ppl meet ppl for real and get on they get on.. if not they dnt ... why the fck do ppl feel the need to cme in here wen they know they dnt get on ??? ... ohh cause u behind a screen .. fuk if i walk into pub and talk to sum1 if we dnt get on nxt time i see em i stay clear ... why the fck not the same online