Old joke on the thread..a member dated a donkeyPost to u donkey rape got deleted lol the val was a valve for hiI hydro system...jeebus
Sick dose rimmer man. Suppose will be less stress in the long runoh well thats that fucked, i might be disappearing off here for a few weeks/months lads, just put in application to council to move out n leave the missus etc
Sick dose rimmer man. Suppose will be less stress in the long run
I grew up in a single household man once you both remain civilised around the kids n spend equil time with em they won't be effected by itDoubt it with kids involved, never easy when that happens etc
Valium n cider...yourself?
If you've any mates with a vaporizer handy u can blast it wetFuck all unfortunately apart from sitting here bored shitless, the DPQ i chopped last night aint gonna be smokeable/dry for a few days so prob just see if i can find a bag from somewhere at some point, also got a chupa chup in the cupboard but dont fancy that etc, oh n half bottle of bacardi but i rarely drink anymore lol