The UK Growers Thread!

if tryin to get into flower fast, may pack more, single cola, indiv plts sooner. figure that's what u all do w the tents. churn en burn like clockwork, not my style.

usually wen have lots-of-veg-time a level shrub/scrog is the way to go. twice the veg time!talkin lrg.containers. if ya don twant lotsa tiny buds, plants need to recover.. few wks after opening plant up, 'shaping', for the nice tops. some strains require thinning-cuts or pinching to remove stringy veg. congested areas.
im not wanting to get into flower faster more like get max yeild for my room all ive done is let the plants grow with lst and 8 weeks veg but im feeling adventurous lol
go for it, just up the aeration on final repot, add perlite er sumthin. still, add a few more days betw. waterings.. 30-40 liter containers, 6-8 onions/ maybe. or smaller containers for more than 2-3 plts per light
youve had better tho aint ya don, looks nice enough but has that weird kinda shine to it we get it round these parts but it cost less than the proper mcdoper, dus look like its about to be cooked up in that pic tho lol
aye that 'magic' shine. I know and I'm pretty sure its not, bloke would have told them straight.

best I've tried was from randomly bumping in to a guy id sat and got wrecked with at a house party, sorted him that night, bumped into him in a bar n it was his birthday he'd got himself an 8th of that super wash shit.

a mere whisker and it was some next level coming up.
aye that 'magic' shine. I know and I'm pretty sure its not, bloke would have told them straight.

best I've tried was from randomly bumping in to a guy id sat and got wrecked with at a house party, sorted him that night, bumped into him in a bar n it was his birthday he'd got himself an 8th of that super wash shit.

a mere whisker and it was some next level coming up.

theres all sorts of ''magic'' lol have seen stuff before thats so shiney its silly, not saying that gear in the pic was the magic just that we get very similar looking stuff local here n its nice enough coke but nuffing special whenever i get it i always end up thinking ive had better.
Man I woke up valed this morning funny bight we took it easy but man was so sunny down the park we went with two strips n a few beers then the pubbing ideas came into plan so we at 28 last night n shots n all half the bars wouldn't serve us... very funny
thats the easiest way but even then its not fool proof other caines will rock up same as the acetone wash yeah it will clean a lot of stuff out the gear but theres still known cuts that it wont clean and will remain in the coke even after the wash, only way to no % for deffo is to get it lab tested but who the fuck can keep hold of it that long lol

there is alot of these home testing kits aswel, you can get 1 for coke purity but i dont think its gonna give you a detailed % of whats what in the gear, just a color chart n how dark the colors gone relating to purity.
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Wankers lol. Was don suggested the crocs I hated em but I fucking love em now the leather ones smell after a while but these bad boys into the washing machine. .fucking wish I owned the patent on em bad boys
I'd be tempted to buy a load of benzocaine n a half of cola cut to fuck n shit gites for 60 a g.I've had street stuff here n at most it's 10-15 % actual coke if at that nothing like the dn 8th I got that time shit was insane
aint you got enough probs slippers with ya benzo addiction now you wana start selling coke lol id be supirsed if the pubgrub all over the country is even as high as 10-15%
Still making a bomb on the benzos man just hard to day no when I've a few about . I've had pub coke in England n I assure u ares is laughable no real buzz..shuts probably more speed than coke lol