i hate this fucking apathetic society!
Just to quickly come back to this subject! Don't confuse the Government with Law

The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 was never intended as a vehicle for prohibition, it was intended as a means of harm control and within that legislation is the key to 'our' legal challenge, the current argument is that the MoD Act is indeed fit for purpose but that it is being illegally interpreted by the Government, and that the Govt's interpretation of the act is in breach of both Human Rights and Discrimination Law. Think about it for a minute, take Neil Morgan's case, he has continued to plead 'Not Guilty', despite having been charged 3 times now with cultivation in excess of 100 plants each time! So far he has walked on all 3 occasions....... why? Because he shows this Govts interpretation up for what it is.... Neil brews his own beer as well as growing his own weed, alcohol kills thousands each year/cannabis by comparison is a safe substance and yet he can legally buy equipment to produce both drugs, the Govt takes its tax cut on that equipment and yet it offers full legal protection to the production only of the proven harmful substance ...... when Neil stands before a jury they cant but be convinced, its an incredibly powerful argument because it makes absolutely no sense! Its insane and its Discrimination, thats what is being challenged.
Public opinion HAS changed, the Govt have been proven liars by a man who has specialised in studying the effects of drugs upon the brain for over 10 years, in court his evidence will carry a lot of legal clout, don't underestimate that, and it is a fact that Prof Nutt has now agreed to act as an expert witness in the forthcoming 'Abuse of process' hearing. When the hearing was given the go ahead Ed Stratton said the judge turned to the Crown prosecutor, fixed him with a glare and said "I hope the CPS will consider what is REALLY in the pubic interest here". That was a very telling moment.
Put your faith in the LAW not the Government. Be prepared to defend yourself if you ever get that dreaded knock on the door
Don G&T those are some nice buds
Might as well add a couple of pics of my current grow here too, just to prove I'm not (to quote my old late Nan) ... "All wind and piss!"
350watts CFL's in a 32" square cab, all a bit banged together etc ..... but does me nicely.
Strain is Mazari from Seedsman at 6 weeks 12/12: