The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Evening all, what's everyone up to then? I just went out after work today and finally started buying some Xmas presents for the wife. I sorted the kids stuff weeks ago but been procrastinating like fuck about getting her stuff in lol.


Well-Known Member
This has got to be the skintest Christmas I have every had but kids got a good few things to keep them happy untill I chop and top them up with gifts lol


Well-Known Member
That my pup nearly 2 now lax. She now stands over my rottie lab cross by about 4 inches. And weighs about 8 stone. Which is about 2 stone heavier than the boy as well lol. She is turning into a big beast, a very sloppy loving big beast tho, I've some amazing pics and videos of her playing and sleeping with my youngest little girl !
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abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I like that white cat. rottie, put that lipstick away.. we don't care if it's yer birthday.

Blue Thai Rhodesian Ridgebacks, this may be my nxt dog. they look like some mean mothers.. not very common dog in the states.
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Well-Known Member
That's one of my favourite dogs man but be warned u gotta have experience handling large breed dogs cuz those guys are fucking big mother fuckers but VERY loyal.that natural I said was his bday so I mixed some with his food as apposed to fish oil that he usually gets.check out these lads they were used for hunting bears..I'd looool to get one...the white cats a ragdoll...fucking expensive but they go limp in your hands n have an amazingly friendly personality..specifically bread with temperament in mind she's very friendly with the dog but the other cat hates it being the dick that she is.
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abe supercro

Well-Known Member
That thing is a damn bear. the short hair dogs r better if ya's growing herb. this cat hair is a bit much already. have three of em lolz. so I'd have to start w a puppy. No, I'm not familiar with training bigger dogs but I'm great with animals. Ridgebacks only get to be about 75 lbs or less, so I'd be able to lift the fucker. I need something intimidating, the places I go- so I'm not fk'n around with med size breeds. had a great border collie, lived to be 19!


Well-Known Member
Man don't get me started on hair the Rotweiller had a double fucking coat shit gets rediculous lol alot of breeders suggest getting a bitch at first if you're not use to handling large breed dogs n you definitely have to train it,no matter what! It's insane how powerful those dogs are man n make sure you've a good breeder in mind n take the hips into consideration cuz hip dyspepsia isn't fun n I'd research other ailments prone in the breed like cancer n shit. If you're good with animals n have no fear go for it man,nothing like a big ass dog lol I've ppl crossing the road when I walk my lad..little do they know rottweilers are pussy s lol its a sheep dog after after haha


Well-Known Member
75lbs or not the ridge back was used for hunting lions dude lol n are banned in lots of's a serious dog man. But like any animal u show em love n respect coupled with propper training no one will fuck with your property lol

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
it'll be trickier researching a breeder because there aren't many in the us. thai breeders just send em to the airport in Los Angeles, LAx (the airport) haha. I read the Ridgebacks can have the hip issues. my dog died 8 yrs ago, i can't wait forever to get another, so it'll be the next few yrs if at all. not having a big dog on your arm in detroit is basically asking for ppl to get right up in your face, dogs r great buffers!


Well-Known Member
Id sooner settle for a respected breeder..check out ridge back kennel clubs for a reputable breeder who not only breeds on type but TEMPERAMENT. you don't want your dog coming from some back yard breeder only out for a quick buck.great places to look is dog shows n shit like that where they love the breed..might take a bit longer n cost a bit more but you'll have a sound dog that will live alot longer n if you must get it from abroad apply the same principles. If I'm getting a dog I've got to visit the breeder first to gauge the parents n the dogs temperament.