hence my wanting to look into legal bud, so it's all the more humilliating should it ever come to be.
i have to say. i'm at the stage in my life where i'm not wanting a job for the sake of a job, that is to say mundane generic job. i'm spending most of my spare time trying to think about possible avenues to take my life in a mjor way. i'm pretty much set to hand in my notice for work as it is, and i've always pondered and debated moral legal issues with the family (lawyers! who don't like pot!) and i'm slowly beginning to think i'd like to try and genuinely actively persue some sort of cannabis decriminalisation thing. be it by being offensive in conjunction with a seperate party acting on the court level, or to look into law school and all that lot and realyl try and go for it, being something i totally and absolutely believe in, not because of what cannabis does for me, and lot in terms of my depression, a whole lot, but mainly on it's status in relation to things like alcohol cigarettes etc etc the morality of forcing a black market and violenve instead of provoding for oneself to re-invest money in legit citizen employing businesses etc.
lots of think has been done anmd to be done
tip top,
You clearly think along the same line as I do, its driving me mad being labelled a criminal for growing and using a natural herbal substance that is now recognised as being safer than alcohol and tobacco. Plenty of activists are currently fighting this through the courts and finally getting somewhere! There can be no doubt that if everyone cautioned with cannabis related 'crimes' rejected it and went to court the judicial system would grind to a halt!! More and more are doing this. Judges are now being faced with articulate growers with well prepared legal defences who are prepared to fight all the way to appeal if necessary. One current case is that of a science teacher with a 10 year excellent teaching record, ofsted rated as excellent who lost his job over
4 cannabis plants

He's fighting all the way, refused a caution. At court he was asked if he would consider a 'guilty' plea, he replied "I'm not prepared top leave this court with blood on my hands" ......his case continues at massive cost to the taxpayer....how long can this continue?
Its well worth a listen to
Ed Strattons 'Dopefiend' interview tip top, and every UK grower should hear this in my opinion incase the worst doers happen. It's pretty light hearted but Ed explains how he came to be busted for cultivation, rejected his caution and has now been granted a judicial review. The case defense is excellent and offers hope to ALL OF US GROWERS

This case is of great importance to every one of us here. Have a listen and lets talk about it here? It will have you laughing and banging the walls with frustration at the same time, he tears the Govts drugs policy to shreds, its brilliant stuff.
Link to Dopefiend interview on DEA site.
Re LCA, personally I think they have run their course and need a fresh approach. Its just 2 or 3 people now pushing their own agenda. They have managed to upset a lot of growers, especially on UK420!