The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
so Dan you are a bit unsure about me yet all ive done is help you, then you post in here after slagging off a respected member of this thread....whats up man?
Only unsure as i dont speak to you and i dont see you in threads that much. (Ibrealise im new and havent been around long enough )Lax ive spoken to loads. I didnt mean any offense to you zeddd. I meant mysterious like a good thing.

Yes i shouldnt have gotten involved in the last argument, but like i said i saw victimisation (rightly or wrongly) and i hate that.


Well-Known Member
Only unsure as i dont speak to you and i dont see you in threads that much. Lax ive spoken to loads. I didnt mean any offense to you zeddd. I meant mysterious like a good thing.

Yes i shouldnt have gotten involved in the last argument, but like i said i saw victimisation (rightly or wrongly) and i hate that.
victimisation and being a cunt and having ya mother raped by orang-utans is normal in here its all a big laugh


Well-Known Member
That's a classic Pompey never seen anything as shit as that tbh amazing how they arnt completely dead tho
That's what I thought man it's got hardly any roots but the newgrowth seems to be green lol wasting time and money I feel sorry for the cunt so I'll give him some of my clones he prob spent around £300


Well-Known Member
I've had 2 pairs of Karrimor hiking trainers from Sports Direct (been up Polish mountains) and the Mrs has a pair now (been up Scafell Pike and round Italy), didn't pay more than £30 for any of them.

I've been buying Karrimor stuff since the mid 90's.

British brand, good gear.
Those days are over lol, owned by sports direct now n products made in china lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Those days are over lol, owned by sports direct now n products made in china lol
To a decent standard though.

They're made to company specs just in China.

The 3 pairs we have all came from Sports Direct and all are top quality waterproof and for a good price.

I'd buy again no bother.


Well-Known Member
I watched a documentary on sports direct of them buying old british brands and trying to breath life back into them. Which is good as long as the quality is there.
Those days are over lol, owned by sports direct now n products made in china lol


Well-Known Member
I watched a documentary about it too, they have a recruitment agency based on site at their main warehouse that only recruit for sports direct. Exploiting a loophole really. (or did a few years ago)

Don't like putting money in to the pockets of people who are doing shit like that but gotta watch the ££

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
They've got some shady consumer rights practices I'll say that.

Couple of years ago I bought a random pair of trainers on sale, young bird at the till made me sign the reciept to confirm that "I understand returns do not apply to sale items" (she said it just as I signed while asking why?).

I just gave her a look said "You do realise that's illegal don't you? I could ring the police now and have you personally arrested for fraud and false representation?" then walked off laughing at her.