The UK Growers Thread!

It's that treatment for MS isnt it? I mean like the med they have over in the states atm where you can walk in and buy bud lol
when countrys like america n canada are legalising it it cant be too far off tho eh?!
wev jus got a lot of mongoliods in the uk that believe what they see n hear on tv n radio about 'evil' cannabis.
realistically, how long do you reckon it'll be before we get medical at least over here?

As a country, one of our biggest exports is pharmaceuticals. Which means the very people that are against cannabis are also very powerful. Because of this, I don't see it ever happening. It will take a revolution.
agreed but what bout it being decrimalised to free up police time, courts etc?

gives the government lotsa reason to have lotsa police employed and is probs gud for economy all this spending money on 'anti drug task forces' n other total wastes of money that could go to fixin fukin potholes or NHS or sumshit
pics of my new modded little cab ... found this tv cabinet in a charity shop for a tenner ! Bargin .... just using it for germinating seeds and sticking seedlings in for 2 weeks under a 100w CFL ... IMAG0147.jpgIMAG0150.jpg
think so man,ther was a documentai on it i watched that had lotsa info on it.

wouldnt mind neckin a bottle

The pharmaceutical industry has been trying for years to separate and isolate the cannabinoids (the pain killing chemicals in cannabis). They know that if they do that they can sell it and make billions. Proof positive that cannabis can be used for medical conditions.
As a country, one of our biggest exports is pharmaceuticals. Which means the very people that are against cannabis are also very powerful. Because of this, I don't see it ever happening. It will take a revolution.

too true man its depressing,

i always wanted to push a seed into a paintball n go driving around paintballing hedgerows gardens, public spaces, useless fields soil roundabouts.........EVERYWHERE!

so that the clean up operation would be so massive they wouldnt bother.
Heres my male Blue cheese ... anyone know how long it takes a male pollen sack to open ? its been isolated but kept in flower , its been about 2 weeks since 12/12

The pharmaceutical industry has been trying for years to separate and isolate the cannabinoids (the pain killing chemicals in cannabis). They know that if they do that they can sell it and make billions. Proof positive that cannabis can be used for medical conditions.

aye the cbn's n cbd's the happy shit they were seperating to make Sativex.
my little cousin has MS at 14yrs old and hasnt been offered anything of use to help.

it sucks seeing other 'modern'countrys giving away ganj on prescription to help people and knowing that all she is being given is some mind numbing pills with bad side affects.
any of you guys have a suggestion as to whats wrong with this lady ?? its Velvet bud , its sat with a powerplant , AK48 and Nirvana Ice but there all fine , just this one strain .... could this be nute lockout ? i have noticed the ph has been around 7 but its in soil and the others are exactly the same but there doing fine .

my little cousin has MS at 14yrs old and hasnt been offered anything of use to help.

it sucks seeing other 'modern'countrys giving away ganj on prescription to help people and knowing that all she is being given is some mind numbing pills with bad side affects.

Is MS when their body locks up and they're given pills to loosen the muscles witch causes them to shake severely?
yeah kinda the jist man.different for lotsa people like most ailments only its kinda jus downhill all the way.....muscles waste away nerves n general health goes.

and giving her toxic pills aint gonna help long term.

i was givin 100mg of tabs a day for 8 years for stomach conditions couldnt eat or sleep with th pain properly for the 8 years. till i done the legwork n ruled out fucking wheat/gluten.the hospital/Gps never thought or botherd to check for sumthin as daft as food intolerence.

NHS useless.Natural self medicating is the way forward
any of you guys have a suggestion as to whats wrong with this lady ?? its Velvet bud , its sat with a powerplant , AK48 and Nirvana Ice but there all fine , just this one strain .... could this be nute lockout ? i have noticed the ph has been around 7 but its in soil and the others are exactly the same but there doing fine .

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iv only done a handful o grows but only time i had that exact issue was a strong dose of nutes man... and poor drainage.

but these guys know ther shit