The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I've seen good buds from both man. I haven't researched the spectrum output from COBs tbh. Must be decent though plenty folks using them now. I do kinda get the impression they'll be the next fad like LED's I'm probably wrong tho. Not usually a font of knowledge...
CObs are kind of the next level of tech with LED`s, first came blurples and now COB`s are the next tech generation on from blurples etc, so kinda like moving from dial up to broadband, from steam to petrol cars etc etc


Well-Known Member
So @R1b3n4 did you throw a few slaps on that twat or what?
Ive yet to find him mate, spent over 5 hours walking around yesterday n not a single person has seen him, his line phone is turnt off as well, may take a few days to catch up with him etc, but be it 2 days or 6 months down the line I will find him etc, gna go out for another walk round today


Well-Known Member
But since it happened ive since found out from my brother in law that the lad tried robbing his phone n shit as well etc ( hes autistic so took a day or so to calm down enough to tell me etc) so not only is the lad gonna get a kicking im also gonna rob the cunt of everything hes got, man bag full of deals, phone, clothes etc etc


Well-Known Member
Having a weird thing with my Livers, they are wk 5 flower and if i try feeding them ANYTHING other than straight water they are just burning instantly, never had this on any of the other crops of livers ive done over the last 18months etc


Well-Known Member
But since it happened ive since found out from my brother in law that the lad tried robbing his phone n shit as well etc ( hes autistic so took a day or so to calm down enough to tell me etc) so not only is the lad gonna get a kicking im also gonna rob the cunt of everything hes got, man bag full of deals, phone, clothes etc etc
Your bro in law must be very stressed out, ffs can ruin his life confidence etc, hate that shit life's tough enough for them


Well-Known Member
Your bro in law must be very stressed out, ffs can ruin his life confidence etc, hate that shit life's tough enough for them
Yup, just undid basically the last 18months of effort we have put in with him etc, hence why im gonna make the cunt walk home stark bollock naked after ive kicked the cunt out of him..........and then every single time i see him after that until he either moves out the area or has a breakdown


Well-Known Member
All OSRAM COB`s though, from what ive gleaned from the LED section they arent looked on favourably when compared to Cree/ citizen etc

Also see a lot of em on ebay less than a few months old so doesnt look like ppl are keeping em for long etc
They're supposed to be a new design n didn't they Invent cobs?
In our new design a cluster of 12 Osram Surface Mounted COB provide higher output than a traditional 50w COB whilst giving a Tri-Mix of colour temperatures to provide an output spectrum closer to the sunlight than a traditional COB.

The immediate benefits are:

  1. The spectral output is closer to sunlight by mixing colour temperatures within the array than using any larger single cobs.
  2. Greater efficiency in the same small footprint, more light out for the same power in. The total output exceeds that of normal 50w COB.
  3. COBS Mounted with the same solder pad technology as the Osram SSL80 family to a triple layer MCPCB, meaning a longer lifespan and faster build.
  4. Better thermal management due to the mounting technology it eliminates any possibility of thermal spikes."

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I could probably go fully bent but there would be questions about how I pay the mortgage and live. Tax evasion is a big crime and the taxman doesn't fuck about
So you're self employed and you have a drop ship mail order business.
But seriously, who the fuck is gonna ask any questions as to how you pay your bills?
Family, neighbors? Family can be blagged and everybody else can mind their own.

My intention is to blow glass art (I've most of the equipment already) because art is sold for subjective price compared to the cost of production, I could launder £1000+ a day with no bother at all.
I don't even have to produce anything, the kit can sit there and just look like it's being used.
And that's only because I do have nosey fucking neighbors, the old bird next door already thinks I sell car/truck parts in Poland via our lasses family recovery company, I source them from China and get them sent to Poland. It's a load of bollocks but it's stops the questions and all the parcels I get delivered (Ebay) helps to keep up the charade.

I'm in Bradford and there's so much bent business and money laundering here it's amazing.
Nearly every paki car wash you see owns a fucking limo or hire cars. Why? Because you can have an oldschool Lincoln limo just parked up doing fuck all and you can put £100 an hour through it's books, the flash stretch Hummers do more.

A group of smack/crack dealers opened up a take-away/pizza shop for money laundering on the main road by my house a couple of years ago and called it 'One&One' ffs, if that isn't a poke in the face of the law I don't know what is! :lol:

As for tax, income tax is paid purely voluntary and by self contract (unless you are employed by someone else, then the employer contracts).
They can only do you for tax evasion if they know who you are in the first place and you agree to play the game, don't contact HMRC and they don't know you exist it's quite simple.

Watch this video where the guy shows the exact wording on the HMRC self assessment website that explains it.

He explains a bit of tax history first but shows the self assessment form and the exact wording of the HMRC website at 6:00 so you can just skip to there if you want to see the relevant bit......

My Mrs is a self employed freelance interpreter/translator and does work for the NHS, Social Services and Crown Prosecution Service as well as private jobs for solicitors and shit.
She's been at it 10 years and gets £15+ per hour plus expenses, she's never once paid any tax or filled out a tax return.

She only pays tax on her part time/2 shifts a week job at the casino, and that's just because the casino pay income tax straight out of her wage like everybody else who's employed by a 3rd party.

I have an illegal CCJ (long story) out against me and the company applied for an Attachment Of Earnings order to get the £6000 back.
Even an attachment of earnings order can only be enforced against someone who is employed by a 3rd party and not against somebody who is self employed! It says so right on the 'declaration of earnings' form that you have to send back.

If there's no contract there's no problem. ;)

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Well-Known Member
Engineers Dream Day 49....13/11 in the vertical cab. The outside veg has got to have given her a shunt along in the flower process as I wasn't expecting the quick finish. Will check her in another week to see if I pull her panties down or not.
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That looks fantastic for seven weeks. It seems pretty sativa from the look of the leaf shape. I hope you've kept a cut. How's the smell?


Well-Known Member
So you're self employed and you have a drop ship mail order business.
But seriously, who the fuck is gonna ask any questions as to how you pay your bills?
Family, neighbors? Family can be blagged and everybody else can mind their own.

My intention is to blow glass art (I've most of the equipment already) because art is sold for subjective price compared to the cost of production, I could launder £1000+ a day with no bother at all.
I don't even have to produce anything, the kit can sit there and just look like it's being used.
And that's only because I do have nosey fucking neighbors, the old bird next door already thinks I sell car/truck parts in Poland via our lasses family recovery company, I source them from China and get them sent to Poland. It's a load of bollocks but it's stops the questions and all the parcels I get delivered (Ebay) helps to keep up the charade.

I'm in Bradford and there's so much bent business and money laundering here it's amazing.
Nearly every paki car wash you see owns a fucking limo or hire cars. Why? Because you can have an oldschool Lincoln limo just parked up doing fuck all and you can put £100 an hour through it's books, the flash stretch Hummers do more.

A group of smack/crack dealers opened up a take-away/pizza shop for money laundering on the main road by my house a couple of years ago and called it 'One&One' ffs, if that isn't a poke in the face of the law I don't know what is! :lol:

As for tax, income tax is paid purely voluntary and by self contract (unless you are employed by someone else, then the employer contracts).
They can only do you for tax evasion if they know who you are in the first place and you agree to play the game, don't contact HMRC and they don't know you exist it's quite simple.

Watch this video where the guy shows the exact wording on the HMRC self assessment website that explains it.

He explains a bit of tax history first but shows the self assessment form and the exact wording of the HMRC website at 6:00 so you can just skip to there if you want to see the relevant bit......

My Mrs is a self employed freelance interpreter/translator and does work for the NHS, Social Services and Crown Prosecution Service as well as private jobs for solicitors and shit.
She's been at it 10 years and gets £15+ per hour plus expenses, she's never once paid any tax or filled out a tax return.

She only pays tax on her part time/2 shifts a week job at the casino, and that's just because the casino pay income tax straight out of her wage like everybody else who's employed by a 3rd party.

I have an illegal CCJ (long story) out against me and the company applied for an Attachment Of Earnings order to get the £6000 back.
Even an attachment of earnings order can only be enforced against someone who is employed by a 3rd party and not against somebody who is self employed! It says so right on the 'declaration of earnings' form that you have to send back.

If there's no contract there's no problem. ;)
Thanks mate. I'll watch that at work tonight. I could get a part time job to cover my direct debits. But if I had too much time on my hands I'd be off me nut all the time lol