The UK Growers Thread!

no it dont not the kind of money your on about, id wait some time before having that in your gaff matey..................... u know what im on about. bit soon to be forking out wedge on shit like that
Dude, 'high grade' is a descriptive term not the name of a strain.

You're not half gullible Lemon.

no .....if you came to London and asked for high grade" you would get something similar to Thai weed / brick weed......what ever strain the high grade is doesn't matter cause it comes in a block, its like 2g for a tenner.

people also call it in shit skunk...most punters in London have no idea what there smoking man....

most people don't care. If it gets em mashed there happy.....weed is defo not a designer drug here, the crack and coke is....
no it dont not the kind of money your on about, id wait some time before having that in your gaff matey..................... u know what im on about. bit soon to be forking out wedge on shit like that

Aye true that I gotta buy something tho to keep hold of the strain mate can't have nothing more at mine ballast and hood £200 tops surley ...anyway took 6 cuts last night should be able to do another 5 next weekend as well....exo is a fast grower man
Tek money to make money lol....I want more on the go to bring more cash in and have fail safes just in case 1 crop dies down for any reason 1200 is too hot in a 1.2 I rekon a 1000 would be bang on easier to vent makes sense maaaan

2 6hunnis in hoods with a 6inch fan pulling would be fine. But your gunna have to kinda go closed loop that tube hangs outside tent, then connects to hoods then would need another fan to extract the dead air in the tent,

if you don't extract the air you can fill the tent with co2 and get 30% bigger yields but co2 growing is diff to normal growing.....
lol lem I jus wanna know how much decent weed is your way, are u smoking more than u grow?

lol 220 up2 280....norm 60q 120half 240zedd

and no not norm but tbh for me i save sooooo much not buying it......when in buying i get a half and top on scores if i have to.....if ive harvested i can smoke an oz a week easy....

i literally smoke weed from the min i open my eyes to the min i close em, its been like this for at least 6years..

oh in also in need of weed any half's or qs going on tue/weds......
Sum1 mentioned looping it so ducts are outside but I just canna picture it in me 2 600s but with both running it was too hot tjats with a 6" pulling out and vents open... i rekon a 1000 watt would br perfect in a big hood....co2 is too much of a hazard for a small grower mate I made some homemade co2 bottles with yeast n sugar but it did fuck all man
lemon if u need a seperate extrator like ur sayin then he will need a 2nd carbon filter.

2 hoods inline with 6" and a nice powerfull extractor and good filter he be reet
Sum1 mentioned looping it so ducts are outside but I just canna picture it in me 2 600s but with both running it was too hot tjats with a 6" pulling out and vents open... i rekon a 1000 watt would br perfect in a big hood....co2 is too much of a hazard for a small grower mate I made some homemade co2 bottles with yeast n sugar but it did fuck all man

yea the hommade co2 will do fuck all, but yields will be 30% better when done right fact. It don't really work with tents as really the room needs to be sealed.

1500 ppm with a co2 reader is what your aiming for, distributed by a tube wrapped around your hood with pin prick holes made by you.

co2 is heavyer then air and falls, so by wrapping it round the hood your directly above the center of plants.....

set up 2 600in hoods connect the hoods with as little venting as poss.....

attach duct to both of the holes in the hood that is free.....

attach fan to right hand side ducting and obv place ducting on this if not outside tent so air is being extracted outside....

the ducting on the other side goes out the other side of the tent....

you will need another extraction fan to remove stale air from tent....

get me???
lemon if u need a seperate extrator like ur sayin then he will need a 2nd carbon filter.

2 hoods inline with 6" and a nice powerfull extractor and good filter he be reet

no because the lights are drawing air from outside the tent "clean air"....then going through hoods and out the other side, this air will never mix with tent air ....
@ shawny you might just be better off getting an 8" fan mate, that's what ii use for my 1200 and it does the job pretty well through the summer, I don't think a single 6" would cut it in my grow in the summer maybe through the winter but defo not through the summer heat, the investment in the 8" is prob the best money I ever spent when investing in me grow gear in the summer it keeps temps steady and in the coldest months of the winter all I have to do is add a small heater or just keep the house warm, it also shifts enough air that I don't need to worry about an intake mate, honestly I'd give it some thought mate ya don't want to have to be buying extra fans when it heats up when ya could just buy one extraction fan and be done with it year round
Yeh I sort of get ya lems lol....@WD aye I could do and then use the 6" and an intake I'm scared an 8" would fold the tent inside out lmao but Yeh I think that could be the best option....temp with both on was at 33° peak if I could get it down to 29 I'd be happy with that with 1200 like
Yeh I sort of get ya lems lol....@WD aye I could do and then use the 6" and an intake I'm scared an 8" would fold the tent inside out lmao but Yeh I think that could be the best option....temp with both on was at 33° peak if I could get it down to 29 I'd be happy with that with 1200 like

check ya outlet holes shawney,,, mine for instance only has 7" holes so 8" may not fit,

and lemon yeh i get ya matey on the extraction setup, make sure that hoods sealed tho or ur getting a stinking gaff

upotted all my clones thsi mornign, well 3, spent a hr tapping the rootballs, since being in oarty cups for 12 weeks ther rootbound to fuk tight tight roots, so went round em tapping took fucking ages to get em loose, should loose th leaf curl and watnot now, fukin things,

seems chedders fucked off again LMAO figures haha my days
@ shawny you might just be better off getting an 8" fan mate, that's what ii use for my 1200 and it does the job pretty well through the summer, I don't think a single 6" would cut it in my grow in the summer maybe through the winter but defo not through the summer heat, the investment in the 8" is prob the best money I ever spent when investing in me grow gear in the summer it keeps temps steady and in the coldest months of the winter all I have to do is add a small heater or just keep the house warm, it also shifts enough air that I don't need to worry about an intake mate, honestly I'd give it some thought mate ya don't want to have to be buying extra fans when it heats up when ya could just buy one extraction fan and be done with it year round

good thinking wd i hadn't even thought of summer.....despite having smaller ports you could mount the fan outside the tent then squeeze the ducting in....not sure how the squeeze would effect air flow, but i cant imagine that much.....

i try and hand fans etc outside the tent inside i need room for buds....

i used to rest my fan ontop of the tent to make use of the hole at the if you have a decent tent otherwise itll fall through......
Going to be doing some breeding outside in the summer sun this year.....its either going to be dons slh x sc crossed with everything or hazemans lemon stomper....

either way i cant.wait to start popping my own beans and seeing what's what, i assuming that the slh x sc is a ten weeker...

in hoping crossing it to the stomper will bring it down to 8/9

then im crossing that to my kings kut.....and then again to my mystery lemon strain......

so all in all London lemon is on its way lol.....
My lights are 6" lads, I use 6" ducting and just bought an 8" to 6" reducer for ny fan, it would be a bit quieter if I used 8" ducting but then I'd either have to change my lights or buy more reducers for them which isn't going to happen coz I don't need them, LEMON I'm in a 2.4 tent so hang my fan n filter inside, the fan n filter take up the back 1.2 bar and then the ducting runs around in a loop through my two lights and then out of the tent, been running it this way for years now without any probs, the only prob I can see running this way is if you were to use cheap hoods that aren't air tight, aslong as ya lights are sealed up properly there shouldn't be any probs. oh yeah I use power plant hoods and smoke test them before each run and have never needed to worry about air leakage so far so good
My lights are 6" lads, I use 6" ducting and just bought an 8" to 6" reducer for ny fan, it would be a bit quieter if I used 8" ducting but then I'd either have to change my lights or buy more reducers for them which isn't going to happen coz I don't need them, LEMON I'm in a 2.4 tent so hang my fan n filter inside, the fan n filter take up the back 1.2 bar and then the ducting runs around in a loop through my two lights and then out of the tent, been running it this way for years now without any probs, the only prob I can see running this way is if you were to use cheap hoods that aren't air tight, aslong as ya lights are sealed up properly there shouldn't be any probs. oh yeah I use power plant hoods and smoke test them before each run and have never needed to worry about air leakage so far so good

ok cool ....just for bizzle he has used the word loop, but hes not referring to a closed loop system....

you could run your lights this way with ease....the way i was suggesting would need two fans, one for lights and one for tents.....however i belive it would be easyer for you to follow wds advice......
4days into 12/12 dons creations are starting to stink, this very second i have no filter, instead i have opted to smoke big fat joints all day and night to cover up the smell...
so far so good lol.....

seriously though i just stood near outtake......fuck me in going nik if i don't get one soon