you've been a good lad haven't you? you stopped that crackhead rattling in your loft at 3 in the am innit cuzzy
lool yeh blad, rattlinn tingz
snet u a email
heres teh layout of my loft, u all love my artwork
you've been a good lad haven't you? you stopped that crackhead rattling in your loft at 3 in the am innit cuzzy
mans got bills lad, 14hrs is heavy but what else are you gonna be doing if you aren't earning money, spending it!
Nigga pls cracka heads don't got no leather indoor home kickers like my fly ass muscular ankles doshurrup u crackheeeeeed
howdy hg
u whole again now ya got ur pyscho back lol whats that all about mate 14hr days? i know ya like your work but seems abit much even for you lol
I ain't posted much lately but still always read up every page after work, quite fuckin addictive this place even for all the shit that's posted lol
u not up for a some cock enlargement then hg lmao was abit raw hay lol