Well-Known Member
so basically it tries to get you off of drinking by making you puke up n shit every time you drink?to any one interested theses pills works by blocking your livers ability to accept alcohol, when you drink your liver changes the chemical compound sumhow thus allowing your body to accept and deal with the booze. if you use these pills then try to drink what happens is ur body immediately starts to suffer the effects of alcohol poisoning immediately....not a fun experience i can truly assure you. your blood pressure rockets , heart rate races, head feels like it actually going to swell till bursting.....then it gets worse.....the chills hit you and bring massive convulsions, so so cold you go to bed wrapped in your clothes shoes and jacket with the quilt smothering your body as the convulsions take can actually throw yourself out of bed with the force...looks like the excorcist scene.....this can last for a few hours or so....btw ive done this 3 or 4 times now....jst goes to show how fuckin dumb a supposedely educated intelligent adult can here goes can 2