The UK Growers Thread!

im a traditional idiotic scotsman, lol. but no red cheeks. red nose at times and occasionally my ass glows like a dyin sunset.
christ im burned out but just heading back to the pub

Haha, take it easy dura. The pub will still be here tomorrow and for many years to come, we are only temporary beings.

Need some help guys, I germinated my seed on Sunday, then put it in soil and left it in my airing cupboard with a cfl over it. It has been in there for 2 days now and Iv decided it's to hot in there could rot the seed Iv taken it out and had a look at it with tweezers. It hasn't grown any more but doesn't look bad. Will this seed be ok to carry on trying or start again?? Please help I won't to sprout this fucker lol
Just pop it back in the soil mate, make sure it's nice and moist. Just leave it alone and let it do it's thing. It takes time!
Sigh, back home and still no root. Think that seeds going in the bin, that makes 2 successful seedlings from 9 seeds now.. :lol: On a better note though, let's hear it for the tax return season! :D tax, you lot, HAHAHA fat chance :D, it's a good feeling to get close to a grand out of thin air when you mot need it and least expect it :) although that is of course ignoring the question of why the fuck did i pay the tax in the first place to be legible to a return. I know better now though haha, cash in hand every time, no NI, no P45 etc, and the bank get's nothing :D

Anyone ever grind up a few grams them spill it on the floor? I just did, yet again, and for some reason it gave me immense pleasure :D
Sigh, back home and still no root. Think that seeds going in the bin, that makes 2 successful seedlings from 9 seeds now.. :lol: On a better note though, let's hear it for the tax return season! :D tax, you lot, HAHAHA fat chance :D, it's a good feeling to get close to a grand out of thin air when you mot need it and least expect it :) although that is of course ignoring the question of why the fuck did i pay the tax in the first place to be legible to a return. I know better now though haha, cash in hand every time, no NI, no P45 etc, and the bank get's nothing :D

Anyone ever grind up a few grams them spill it on the floor? I just did, yet again, and for some reason it gave me immense pleasure :D

Lmao you smoke to much haha !
the heater will fuck your plants up bro trust me learned the hard way!! tip top why not get yourself a tubular heater they are made for green houses but are the nuts for grow tents sheds were ever you grow to be fair you can get them in 40 watt upto 80 watt i use 5 in a 6x12 shed and keeps the room between 20c to 24c when lights are out you ll be surprised at how much your plants suffer from not having them in a perfect enviroment from your roots to your yeild

Top advise got me one 3ft 120w tubular heaters few days ago....them girl are nice and cosy...:)
Sigh, back home and still no root. Think that seeds going in the bin, that makes 2 successful seedlings from 9 seeds now.. :lol: On a better note though, let's hear it for the tax return season! :D tax, you lot, HAHAHA fat chance :D, it's a good feeling to get close to a grand out of thin air when you mot need it and least expect it :) although that is of course ignoring the question of why the fuck did i pay the tax in the first place to be legible to a return. I know better now though haha, cash in hand every time, no NI, no P45 etc, and the bank get's nothing :D

Anyone ever grind up a few grams them spill it on the floor? I just did, yet again, and for some reason it gave me immense pleasure :D

I haven't been paying tax this year (I'm a student in a part time job) and I got about 425 back from last year, was an awesome suprise. Not like I can spend any of it though haha, just broken even!

Cheers for the reply mate, Iv taken it out of the airing cupboard now tho is that the right thing to do?

Yeh airing cupboards are a bit too hot I think. What plans have you got for growing that thing?
Ok cool, well if I can eventually get one of the seeds to sprout! Iv got an area in my wardrobe I'm guna put it in and grow it under 4, 24 watt cfl. Iv read alot of stuff and feel fairly confident on how to grow it but it's just gettin one to sprout lol gay short ryders
Bastard scammers, knew a tax return sounded too good :p never mind, tis just money.

I find that no matter how rough I feel, a strong joint sorts it all out :)
Ok cool, well if I can eventually get one of the seeds to sprout! Iv got an area in my wardrobe I'm guna put it in and grow it under 4, 24 watt cfl. Iv read alot of stuff and feel fairly confident on how to grow it but it's just gettin one to sprout lol gay short ryders

That's cool. Don't expect to be growing a monster in there though. The bud is proportional to the amount/ type of light you use. It will definitely work though, good luck mate.

Bastard scammers, knew a tax return sounded too good :p never mind, tis just money.

Lol, HMS Revenue never contact you by email! Scammers are such little fuckers.
How is everyone doing. Need a bit of advice. I harvested my plant 6 days ago. Hung them upside down for 4 days and have put them in a brown paper bag the last 2 days. I need to sell tomorrow.(Bills to pay). I weighed this morning and just have over 4oz. Buds are sticky and covered in crystals but just a bit damp. Any ideas how to make them good for tomorrow. Any advice would be great. It is iced grapefruit and it is a killer stone. Its an initial head high then the couch comes a calling