The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Adolf Hitler initially wanted to wipe out Celtic fans, not the Jews. He gave up once he realised how difficult it was to get them in a fucking shower.


Well-Known Member
and i just booted the fuck oot ma car aw the awy fae glasgow so as that ah could go tae the pub.......which i am just a minute


Well-Known Member
never tried it kana. i guess you would need some pretty heavy stretching strain to go straight into flower with scog or you would end up with something too small to produce enough colas to fill the screen .. i would of thought going straight into flower would be more suited to sog ...

maybe you could do a sog with seed and still use a screen to train them, and go straight into12 hur ?

"don't spend all of that crisis loan on weed. save some for your fines and baby mother" :)
thanks jus wanted to check on here if ne1s done it b4 , a friends m8 was blabbing on about it but he normally talks a load of crap

anyway heres some piks of my ladies there due 2 b choppd in a cuppl days :D



Well-Known Member
While proudly showing off his new apartment to friends late one night, the drunk led the way to his bedroom where there was a big brass gong.

"What's that big brass gong for?" one of the guests asked. "Why, that's the talking clock" the man replied. "How does it work?" "Watch", the man said, giving it an ear-shattering pound with a hammer.

Suddenly, someone on the other side of the wall screamed, "For fuck sake, you wanker, it's 2am in the fucking morning!!"


Well-Known Member
ahm gaun for a bath, tae any one from Bradford reading this its a bit like your kitchen sink but bigger.....and without dogmeat tins in it.


Well-Known Member
Bloke walks into a pub and asks for a pint of anything except Steinlager.

Barman asks, "What's wrong with Steinlager?"

Bloke replies, "I had 12 pints of it last night and when I came to I was fucking skint."

Barman says, "But 12 pints of anything costs about the same."

Bloke replies, "Skint's my dog."


Well-Known Member
i spend all day surfing jokes, write the occasional one maself and i tend to remember a lot ive heard in the past, i also watch ahelluva lot of comedy on tv. its about the only thing that keeps me sane....that and the wanking.


Well-Known Member
The fucking Dutch are here! That stuff just arrived Dura. Gonae pluck and spray tonight
good good mate, just spend a good bit of time checking the full plant. btw when i have a hermie i take all my plants out my growing area and totally clean and sterilise it, i use sterilising tablets for babys bottles( £1.60 for a large pack). clean ur area, wipe pots down, the full monty mate, remember pollen is like fuckin glue and in the outside world can travel for miles. and then fuckin drench the plant(s). the stuff only stays active in the spray bottle when mixed for about 15mins, so have everything done beforehand and then mix up ur solution( i cant remember the mix off hand but i'll have a look when i go to check my grow later) im gonna set up my 4 pot dwc for the first time tonite. if u need any info just phone me coz the house im goin to doesnt have a pc in it just now.


Well-Known Member
MSN News: Alex Reid claims he tells Jordan he loves her "50 million times a day."

That would mean you tell her every 0.001728 seconds then, Alex, you retarded, spotlight-grabbing, fame-seeking man-whore. And, by the way, Jordan is a dirty fucking slag.

Love Peter

P.S. Come and pick your fucking spade up - he’s drinking out of the toilet again.


Well-Known Member
My wife said to me, "I've just heard some great news, apparently the police know who the local paedophile is and they are going to arrest him tonight."

I said, "That's brilliant news. Let's celebrate by moving to Australia."