The UK Growers Thread!

just went and got ma mate to get me some smoke as none ma guys had any the dude he went to said its 1.8g for £20 i said fuck it why not it was some amazing smelling shit so why not paid and got the fuck home to skin up stuck it on ma scales and was 1.4 in bag and 0.9 out of bag i am raging but as i dont know the cunt i'll let it go this time and dont wanna have to send ma mate back wit it. also its some of the nicest weed i had in years
just went and got ma mate to get me some smoke as none ma guys had any the dude he went to said its 1.8g for £20 i said fuck it why not it was some amazing smelling shit so why not paid and got the fuck home to skin up stuck it on ma scales and was 1.4 in bag and 0.9 out of bag i am raging but as i dont know the cunt i'll let it go this time and dont wanna have to send ma mate back wit it. also its some of the nicest weed i had in years

what part the country are you in??? ive seen exodus cheese being sold in east london for 20quid a gram before unfortunatly.
what part the country are you in??? ive seen exodus cheese being sold in east london for 20quid a gram before unfortunatly.
im in Glasgow. the worst i seen before today was 1.5 for 20quid and i thought that was bad but 0.9 or 1g is fucking shocking. this is the reason i decided to grow my own why pay these stupid prices when if u have the equipment u can grow a few oz for the same price as a half quarter. unfortunately i only 6 days into my current grow so got a while to wait
im in Glasgow. the worst i seen before today was 1.5 for 20quid and i thought that was bad but 0.9 or 1g is fucking shocking. this is the reason i decided to grow my own why pay these stupid prices when if u have the equipment u can grow a few oz for the same price as a half quarter. unfortunately i only 6 days into my current grow so got a while to wait

Its all gone crazy mate ...we need a weed revolution in the uk. bring it back to what its supposed to be !!!!
FUCK THAT! im in this for the bloody money!!!

LOL .. dura .... Money was still being made ,and you could get a 9bar of dank for like £750 all day.. im not in if for my health either mate i started this shit back in the £130 oz days and i aint made that much more since its been £200 plus. Less people can afford it .Thats why normal(jamaican & african )weeds come back big around these parts,
Cheese as a cashcrop I've never really understood, cheese has a pretty Matt yield other available strains
its not a cashcropper bro people tend to believe it is because people always rave about it cheese this cheese that i believe that its one of the most sought after smokes going and with a very high demand it goes out the window at top ££ this is why people are banging there prices up !! 10 years ago if you knew the right person you could grab a 9 at £1000 bone dry and cured properly but people like that seem to have gave up growing or have moved on to heavier drugs !! its the people of this era that grow the stuff now that have given weed such high prices it has doubled in price for a few reasons
1 high demands
2 small dealers selling at unproper weights
3 when grown and cured properly theres very few that beat it
4 fast from clone to bud
5 only a select few can gain access to exodus cheese clones all the time without keeping mothers. unless grown from seed which has nt and will not be done with the exodus cut as you already know which is a shame has it is truely a beautyfull plant to grow !! people have tried but have never really got it down it has always lacked in taste or smell which brings me to believe that this is the main reason why prices have rocketed over here!
boys my laptop is fixed so im back :)

iv missed being here.

went in the greenplace coffeeshop in feb bought a gram of trainwreck and out popped 4 seeds :D
how the f*ck can you tell that from the pics?!

Detective tiptop discerns that his journal has 2 cheese growing in it. Whether it is exodus or not is not mentioned in the thread.

I think you're completely right on the point about dealers prices being too high. It may be very good and jolly for mr dealer to get £200 for an ounce instead of say 3150, but hey, wait a minute, i couldn't afford what he wanted so i started growing. Now he misses out on the £300+ i used to give him each month. Not to mention dealers don't really have any business sense on the whole, it's a time of large unemployment, crap hours and pay if you do get a job, everythings gotten more expensive. Cannabis is not some heroin we'll rob a petrol station to pay for, we will justmake do without if we can't afford it and are not growers. If you drop prices or raise weights, suddenly it's justifiable again and you pull back all your sales. Although the big joke is that i was looking at a resent dispensary menu, and the yanks pay a fucking absurd amount of money for their pot, like £40+ for 3.5g, not to mention they then have to pay and keep paying for the ability to grow for a medical purpose. They got fucking shafted :D

Just finished the treatment guys, think i breathed in more than I got on my plant. TTT - its a sellers market but you know this. Supply and demand and there's more demand no matter how many people grow
From all the friends i hang around and smoke with, i am now the only person i know who smokes cannabis. They have all quit due to being unable to justify the cost. I'm not saying it's a universal fact, but it is common knowledge that people buy less of something if it's not essential and they can't afford it. I beleive that dealers can make a hell of a lot more money if they take a few minutes to actually formulate a business plan. Such as maximizing profit over a long period, not on how much they have for the pub that evening.
Not disagreeing TTT but just stating there is a massive market for dealers, in my area there is not much good stuff and if it does come about it 1.5 - 2g for a score and people pay all day long, so unfortunately I can't see prices decreasing. If people moan about the price, just grow. Where there is a will there is a way and all that
I like the idea of coming across a spare million, buying up as many as i can possibly get my hands on through friends, family, false fronts, then burning the whole lot on op[ening day. Mwhahahaha, fuckin empty stadiums :lol: but just the concept that i cannot sell something i own but must return it if i do not wish to use it. No, i'll sell it, it's mine.

I'm surprised noone found the house of lords link interesting. When you have the house of lords slamming everything about the governemtn drug policy and that they need evidence evidence evidence and that the prohibition policy is an absolute failure, i tend to get a bit excited about that, to each their own i guess.

I missed that also. It is nice to see but we all know it'll be a friggin decade before we get any change in this pos government. They'll just make everyone resign who says otherwise until there's nobody left, then they'll have to change haha.

its all bloody obvious to anyone with an even partially functioning brain! the problem only arises when daily mail reading middle class middle englanders start wailling and gnashing teeth, i always think of the dursleys from harrry potter when i picture the cunts

lol, that dudley is a right little prick, know what you mean though. David cameron grown up innit haha.

heres my latest snaps 5th wk (2veg)..

Nice, they're massive for 2 week veg. Im guessing they're clones?

What strains have you got going in there?