The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
you can flower anytime you want. straight from seed or after months of veg, it just depends on personal choice, need or time/size restrictions.
i get that but i want about 3-4 oz of each has anybody grown this strain and knows if it will double or tripple in size on me i just gt 4and half of an bubblegum autoflower, so i was wondering when i should flip to get same sort of results.


Well-Known Member
well ive had a productive kinda day today, been sober since last week( final charlie bill was over 400 so i damn near shit myself and said thats enough till chrimbo). got all my stuff ready for uni tomorrow, read all the handouts, poems, etc, sent e-mails to staff to try and arrange tutorials. and of course applied for the student discretionary fund, mite get a grand off them. fed and flipped 2nd grow, totally trimmed my most recent and its just on its final sweat so it should be ready for sale tomorrow( dunno what the weight is and im not gonna guess either, its not huge but looks ok), checked and fed all my clones/babies and there gettin re-potted later in the week when i get a bag of coco, think im just gonna go straight 12/12 on them , usually the chamber will just hold four plants but i'm gonna try all 9 this time and see what the weight return is. some of them are regs so i mite end up with boys....just have to see. nice to change about now and then, got fuckin real bored doing the same shit.


Well-Known Member
i get that but i want about 3-4 oz of each has anybody grown this strain and knows if it will double or tripple in size on me i just gt 4and half of an bubblegum autoflower, so i was wondering when i should flip to get same sort of results.
dont know the strain mate but if your wanting that kinda weight id recon your lookin at a 6 weeks veg at least. .....but again i dont know your nutes, bulb wattage, , medium etc.


Well-Known Member
Germinated 5 cheese chunks tonight cheese chunks = lemon cheese x exodus cheese courtesy of Breeders Boutique . These are testers so hope to do them proud .



Active Member
dont know the strain mate but if your wanting that kinda weight id recon your lookin at a 6 weeks veg at least. .....but again i dont know your nutes, bulb wattage, , medium etc.
im using bio allmix with bio grow,bloom and topmax im using a 4 bulb t5Ho for vegging 96 watt and ive gt a 400watt hps for flower a 6" rvk extracting and a small fan blowing over tops. oh yh there in them 18lt square pots thnx mate


Well-Known Member
ive used the bio bizz range quite alot but never bothered with the top max, usually went with shooting powder or pk 13/14 but tbh theres not a huge difference with them all in my experience( some of the other lads are more clued up on that kinda stuff) but goin by your bulb size its gonna take at least 8 weeks veg to pull that kinda weight....this is all semi-educated guess work of course , i dont know the strain so im kinda shooting in the dark, but i do know the nutes, medium and bulb. first off get them under the big bulb, stick the veg lamp in beside them if you can though but your gonna need hid lighting as fast as possible. the bonus with bio bizz is its bloody hard to overfeed and fry them( not impossible though, trust me ive fuckin manged it!!! still dunno how the fuck i done it though!) so you can chuck feed at them . i still think your lookin at 8 weeks'd be much better off with a 600 hps ballast mate. or even better a second 400.


Active Member
ive used the bio bizz range quite alot but never bothered with the top max, usually went with shooting powder or pk 13/14 but tbh theres not a huge difference with them all in my experience( some of the other lads are more clued up on that kinda stuff) but goin by your bulb size its gonna take at least 8 weeks veg to pull that kinda weight....this is all semi-educated guess work of course , i dont know the strain so im kinda shooting in the dark, but i do know the nutes, medium and bulb. first off get them under the big bulb, stick the veg lamp in beside them if you can though but your gonna need hid lighting as fast as possible. the bonus with bio bizz is its bloody hard to overfeed and fry them( not impossible though, trust me ive fuckin manged it!!! still dunno how the fuck i done it though!) so you can chuck feed at them . i still think your lookin at 8 weeks'd be much better off with a 600 hps ballast mate. or even better a second 400.
thanks fr the input lad;-) the 400wt is great i had 5 autos under it each gave me 4+ just trying to get same result with reg fem seeds . Yh bio products r great nether had no probs with them and always gt some nice tasty bud i did a hydro in a wilma system before using advanced nutes quantity was gd but quaility wasnt taste wise, hense the switch bck to bio products i thrown in pics of blue mystic 5 weeks veg showing first preflowers i overwatered a little hence the leafs curling a bit on one


Well-Known Member
im using bio allmix with bio grow,bloom and topmax im using a 4 bulb t5Ho for vegging 96 watt and ive gt a 400watt hps for flower a 6" rvk extracting and a small fan blowing over tops. oh yh there in them 18lt square pots thnx mate
well u waint getting 3-4 ounce a plant matey, not with a 400 and how many plants? leave in for veg longer if u can but that dont neceserily mean more bud

WOHOO sum new tv series
dexter has tsarted again,., wat a cliffhanger end of last season the sis catching him,
homeland just started again
simpsons new season
bordwalk empire continutes

now we just need sum decent copies of sum decent new movies hmmf

how is everyone this muggy monday morning?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Monday and tuesday are my weekend days. That lie in was muchly appreciated :) Gonna cook me some tempura king prawns for lunch and play some freelancer :)


Active Member
yeh but how many plants u got underr it? its only as 400 rite?
Just the 4 plants in the pics on previous page haven't worked with this strain before ( blue mystic ) veged fr 5 weeks from seed showing preflowers now so I was gonna flip the switch


Well-Known Member
Just the 4 plants in the pics on previous page haven't worked with this strain before ( blue mystic ) veged fr 5 weeks from seed showing preflowers now so I was gonna flip the switch
stll cant see 3-4 0z per plant sepc of sumthing untried and tested and in normal pots? good luck buddy keep us updated, il be interested to see if u pull what u think u will of a 400,, i use a 600 with 6 plnats so 100 watta a plant lets compare, i flipped on saturday,,chec my sig them pictures are from days 1 flower after 13 day veg and 48 hrs darkness,, seems i was over waetring em giving them a yellwoing of leaves and after the 48hrs dark,, got rid of the yellow leaves and looked healthy as fuck :) wowozer



Well-Known Member
impossible is nothing. If I was vegging for 5 weeks I would definitely expect at least 3 per plant. Just ma twee cents like.