The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
All depends when ya house was wired lads recent done will have a kitchen ring down stairs ring an up stairs ring depending on the size of the place best to come off the upstairs ring cos shouldn't have as much load.....if ya house is old tho an needs a rewire most likely have 1 ring for the hole house
So what would be the max wattage on one ring then? i know fuck all about all this lol or does that depend on the age of ya house as well.


Well-Known Member
What was he asking? How much W you can run on a house ring?
wats the most wattage in a house 3k? that was it lol hasent replied bak and we spent a page and half debating it!!

jimmy quote not workin

id go by the ampage of the fuse for the ring,, u can always just buy a bigger fuse for the upsairs one


Well-Known Member
My grow runs downstairs lol, no wonder me fuse trips every now and then probably too much going on.
yeh no shit,lol,, i think stadard is 24amp,, or that may be wat a dude told me to upgrade it too? lol idk but yeh thats very much why ur trippin out all the time, my advice,, buy a bigger fuse and it wont happen again,, only a few qwid for the pice of mind ur lights wont trip out 6hrs intoflower every otherday lol


Well-Known Member
It's a tricky 1 lads a 32amp breaker in feary should take just over 7000W. 2.5mm cable you use for a house ring can take 20 odd amps but there 2 cables so can take more. The dodgy thing is house hold sockets are only rated at 13amps so if you got 2 thing plugged in the same double socket pulling 13 amps each the its gunna burn out....13amp is like nearly thing to do is split you house ring to some extra sockets an run stuff on its own socket with its own timer an you'll be sound with a smallish grow. if it's a big fucker you will be best havin a separate circuit just for ya grow....
An if you have got say 2 x 600w lights plugged in 1 double socket try an stagger ya timers by a few min cos it's the start up voltage that's high.

Ampage x voltage gives you your Wattage so 32amp breaker x 230v give you ya wattage
Wattage divide voltage gives you you ampage so if you wanna work out how big a fuse or what amps a 600w light users it's 600 ÷ 230 so just over 2 amps


Well-Known Member
It's a tricky 1 lads a 32amp breaker in feary should take just over 7000W. 2.5mm cable you use for a house ring can take 20 odd amps but there 2 cables so can take more. The dodgy thing is house hold sockets are only rated at 13amps so if you got 2 thing plugged in the same double socket pulling 13 amps each the its gunna burn out....13amp is like nearly thing to do is split you house ring to some extra sockets an run stuff on its own socket with its own timer an you'll be sound with a smallish grow. if it's a big fucker you will be best havin a separate circuit just for ya grow....
An if you have got say 2 x 600w lights plugged in 1 double socket try an stagger ya timers by a few min cos it's the start up voltage that's high.

Ampage x voltage gives you your Wattage so 32amp breaker x 230v give you ya wattage
Wattage divide voltage gives you you ampage so if you wanna work out how big a fuse or what amps a 600w light users it's 600 ÷ 230 so just over 2 amps
fuk me the mans got skillz


Well-Known Member
Ya main power that comes in ya house goes to a 100amp breaker so ya whole house should take 23000W......but you'd never be able to run that much cos you won't have enough sockets to be able to take that load

Plus there's shit load of other factors an what not that with out lookin in the regs book I ant got a clue its been 5 year since I left college lol


Well-Known Member
Jimmy if your grow is down stairs an you haven't got a separate ring for the kitchen bet that is over loading mate it's the dryer ,washer , kettle an shit in ya kitchen that drains the juice never mind ya telly computer etc


Well-Known Member
Ok I'll let u off then jim lol of course I don't use hps to root cuts but I will put rooted cuts strate under hps and a germed n potted up seedling I've put strate under hps many times.


Well-Known Member
can you believe in holland they give us a max of 40 amp breaker per house...c_nts!
Ya main power that comes in ya house goes to a 100amp breaker so ya whole house should take 23000W......but you'd never be able to run that much cos you won't have enough sockets to be able to take that load

Plus there's shit load of other factors an what not that with out lookin in the regs book I ant got a clue its been 5 year since I left college lol


Well-Known Member
Im big boned sambo thats all lol, aye i agree once rooted hids all the way for max growth. T5s are slower no doubt there but the HO ones are alot better than the bog standard ones, ive not been using them too long but they seem to be very good mate not on par with hids but not far behind.

Morning all, im stuck indoors lol front door lock broke last nite cant get out unless i climb through the front window. Tried opening door with screwdriver and its not having it ffs. Only other way out is through garage and my grows in there so cant open that door, i could do without this, think i'll take my hammer to it.


Well-Known Member
Jimmy if your grow is down stairs an you haven't got a separate ring for the kitchen bet that is over loading mate it's the dryer ,washer , kettle an shit in ya kitchen that drains the juice never mind ya telly computer etc

Im not sure what it is mate, the fuse trips when my grow lights are off as well, funny thing is they tripped last night after we were speaking about it, always the trip switch marked downstairs lights that trip i just flick it back on. I think i could be something to do with me garden spotlights thats doing it, there like fucking floodlights mate always seems to go when thos fuckers are on. Or could be all the downlights ive had put in, dunno man its happended for ages now im used to it.


Well-Known Member
Arnt you in ya garage jimmy is ya fuse board in there by any chance?
Its a new build mate, fuse board is by the front door. I think i'll take your advice when i move and get a seperate ring or whatever ya call it for me grow. I have aload of big power tools compressors and welders which use alot of juice so ill get a sparks at the new place and just say i want a seperate ring/loop or whatever the hell its called too run all this lot. Ive never really understood electrics haha, i can fix most things but when it comes to that stuff i normally leave well alone lol. Ive had a sparks in recently to fit a load of extra sockets all over the house and put downlights in, dunno if hes to blame lol.


Well-Known Member
Funny that eh! If govts wasted less time on fukkin hot air and more time out dealing with problems they might actually do some good. I read a while back in the local rag here about the Mayor in Maastricht throwing the pass system out due to increase in dodge moroccans on the street selling drugs. too funny.

I think all MP's should spend at least 1 day a week out helping homeless people, folks without jobs and opportunities, and may be even the odd home grower!! lmao. Imagine... "eh Mr Cameron, I told you not to fukkin up pot that clone yet ya daft cunt!"