The UK Growers Thread!

Also just out of interest (not that im in any way saying you would) but have u sold anyone wet weed or underweighed bags recently??
think TTT's working loads of hours in a kitchen. seen him post in a few places but not much.

dunno if plod would bother fishing for collars on here. maybe the yanks?!

I dont think its a case of they are actively scouring the site but being a public forum its easily viewable by Police cyber division/G.C.H.Q/ Corsham and they can easily backtrace IP`s, cross reference e-mail addresses used to register on forums etc etc
Also just out of interest (not that im in any way saying you would) but have u sold anyone wet weed or underweighed bags recently??

I read about them in duras Sig. I wasn't around when they were here. Nah mate I ain't sold anyone anything, it was all just Percy for me man
they can cave my door if they want now, im on hiatus at present, packed in for a bit, at least in my own house, got a small halfers grow with a mate, its currently chopped and dryin and it'll be restarted in about 2 weeks but it'll only be 8 plants.
they can cave my door if they want now, im on hiatus at present, packed in for a bit, at least in my own house, got a small halfers grow with a mate, its currently chopped and dryin and it'll be restarted in about 2 weeks but it'll only be 8 plants.

Because of the smell/what the junkies told ya bout?
Both, and recently I've had a few parcels I've had to sign for. Maybe the postie ?? I live in a small village so their all very nosy and cleekie.
Because of the smell/what the junkies told ya bout?

combination of factors but smell and junkies being 2, its also coz the council are goin to be pokin there faces in my gaff coz of the eviction issue and also i just fancy a break from doing it in my own place. a nice clear six month break and i'll be in the mood to get back into it, kinda planning on concentrating in my mates loft, with the gear ive got and ah bit of graft i can build a good 8-12 plant set-up and my mates above suspicion so it cuts down on risk too.
where i live theres been a few big busts, hopefully with the police commissioners elections, less concentration on stopping growing and more towards the real crimes in the area.
Both, and recently I've had a few parcels I've had to sign for. Maybe the postie ?? I live in a small village so their all very nosy and cleekie.

Without displaying it in here type the name of the hydro shop into a search engine followed by something like "police raid" and just see what it brings up out of interest. been a big spate down my way of police watching grow shops as well
Also out of interest have you been in regular online contact with anyone else on this thread that has recently been raided?
I'll do that now mate cheers.
Can't find anything about the place I use, except on another forum someone claims they had their sales records taken by the cops. That's just a rumor though.
Yh I have contact with one guy, he was busted a few months ago. Why what are you thinking?
I'll do that now mate cheers.
Can't find anything about the place I use, except on another forum someone claims they had their sales records taken by the cops. That's just a rumor though.
Yh I have contact with one guy, he was busted a few months ago. Why what are you thinking?

Well 1 of 2 ideas really.....

1) Basically there is a new device being used by the U.S. Police that gathers ALL information from all wireless/cellular devices within a certain radius ( phones/wireless connections including contacts/photos/text messages etc from your phone) and it is currently on "classified" trial with 3 un-named police forces in the UK (meaning they will not give any details out to anyone(even under a freedom of information request)), so wondering if your force is one of the ones trialling it.

2) If you have been in contact with someone who has been arrested then when they are taken into custody they take all your personal belongings off you and if your phone does not have a lock on it they WILL go thru your phone and read all ur messages/look at ur photos etc so if there was anything on their phone to suggest you were also growing( i.e. sending each other clone requests/pictures of ya plants etc) then that will give them enough "reasonable suspicion" to be granted a search warrant by a magistrate.

Both these practices are highly illegal under UK law but both happen on a regular basis
I don't know mate. I gave myself a sore head last night, and couldn't sleep thinking about it. I've came to the conclusion that I'll never find out how they knew. And it's done now so Fuck it, I'm not losing any sleep or worrying about it anymore. On wards and upwards. And that trial run, that's mental man. What the Fuck next.....