Of course. Pics or it didn't happen, standard (but now I look at the picks 6 of the 8 were that big).
They got too big for a 1.2m square tent at this size so I had to build a 2.4m to finish them in (was all ways the plan to do em as trees).

Then I build the bigger tent (2m high).
That blue hygrometer came level with my nose (ish) and I'm bang on 6 feet tall.

I don't have a shot where you can see the whole plant in that tent as the room it was in wasn't big enough for me to step that far back.
They'd been topped twice before going in that tent to try and let the others catch up, so if I'd have left em be they'd have been 8 feet easy and would have needed to be tied round the frame.
Due to a security breach they got chopped down (well actually rugby tackled down but that's a story and a half) about 2 weeks later.
Sometime in the future I'll do some monsters again, that pic that Mogggys chucked up the other week of the massive indoor sativa got me thinking.
I like trees, lol.