The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lmao well its been like that since had the cut...that's how the leafs have always formed........temps at 27......if was temp prob shurly the exo wld be the same.........I ashumed that's how it grew........seen it on a few other psy otherwise I wldnt of sed..........
thats not natural growth imc, thats caused by something its not happy with i.e temps.p.h? ive had it on pyscho plants of my own and still came out fine in the end but its not natural growth mate.


Well-Known Member
looks real underfed hydro especially before you make the pic large, could be lighting tho???
I seen a wee bit of curl on the end of the leaves so didn't want to add much more feed but that could be the heat from the light curling them too. It does look a lot lighter in the pic tho, I pushed the light up to the side to take the pic


Well-Known Member
lmao well its been like that since had the cut...that's how the leafs have always formed........temps at 27......if was temp prob shurly the exo wld be the same.........I ashumed that's how it grew........seen it on a few other psy otherwise I wldnt of sed..........
honest mate thats not natural i had grown her over 3yrs and only in coco did i ever see that, it happend on the exo too and i just ploughed threw it but its not how the plant grows that is caused by something your doing or not doing???


Well-Known Member
far from over waterd.....roots are sound....use same nuts for all me girls......obv smaller amounts on younger plants lol


Well-Known Member
far from over waterd.....roots are sound....use same nuts for all me girls......obv smaller amounts on younger plants lol
like i say imc i ploughed threw it and what you are describing happend to me also the leaves uncurled and came good, but its not how it should be i wish i knew what caused my own??? but i say again its not natural its not how the plant grows.


Well-Known Member
well im sorry for that info wrong......take no notice of me I don't kno how to grow lmaoooooo......
im in coco......

Ok, I always found it a bit soggy when watered and didn't like it much for that reason. When first watered, plants seemed to show signs of overwatering, as it dried the plant picked up. I use perlite because you can flood it, drain it and it's just damp, not too wet and lots of nice little humid air pockets for the roots to explore into. How about your ph? What do you run that at?
not being funny mate.....its not my growing.....its the plant lol........

Fair enough, but it looks like a deficiency, or overwatering or root problem. But you should know, I'm just looking at a pic you posted, you got her and all her history right with you. Good luck with her anyway then. I'm dragging 18-24 off every two weeks.


Well-Known Member
tbh mate i couldnt give a fuck how u grow it nor am i q's how you grow, im just telling you that what you see with the curling leafs is not a strain trait and is a cause of hows shes been grown and like i already said i seen the same myself in my own plants but not everytime only on occasion hence another reason i no its not a strain trait.


Well-Known Member
easy not saying that.....don't see how I can be growing her wrong......your a kind of expert and had the same I sed earlier I thort it was nat and cos u had same probs I don't look so much of a cunt......its psy...I aint 2 fuked how it grows....fuk the leafs long as buds ok.....ay it lolol.......
tbh mate i couldnt give a fuck how u grow it nor am i q's how you grow, im just telling you that what you see with the curling leafs is not a strain trait and is a cause of hows shes been grown and like i already said i seen the same myself in my own plants but not everytime only on occasion hence another reason i no its not a strain trait.