The Ultimate Growing Competition

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If I am right on reading the deadline, hopefully I slipped in under the wire with my busted ass cuttings. I believe all I need is a contestant number, and we are off to the races. I would very much like that generously donated shitload of grow gear. Much love, and good luck to everyone.
The following players are disqualified for not meeting one of the these requirements:

  • Seeds get wet, or clones get taken on March 15 with pics posted by 11:59pm PST
  • "You claim the number of plants that you are going to run by March 15th 11:59pm PST"
  • Each player will be assigned a number. This number will be displayed in physical form in every photo (written on a piece of paper or something. Not typed over the photo in an edit)

@Mellow old School
@Pa-Nature **
@el kapitan

**Pa-Nature. You are disqualified unless you agree that you are running 20 plants, no culling.
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