The Ultimate Growing Competition

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Me...I was trying to be patient with my one seed, but after 5 days and no action up top I went digging. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I'm not even sure what I put in the Coco was the seed I thought I had lost when opening the breeders pack. I never found it in the cup, but I sure did find a small rock that looked an awful lot like a seed, so I guess that explains no germination. :(

I'll probably find that seed under one of the tents next time I do a room clean. Ya'll have fun, I'll be watching from the sidelines.

Get a shop vac and put a t-shirt over the end. Works for picking up spilled weed too ;)
Me...I was trying to be patient with my one seed, but after 5 days and no action up top I went digging. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I'm not even sure what I put in the Coco was the seed I thought I had lost when opening the breeders pack. I never found it in the cup, but I sure did find a small rock that looked an awful lot like a seed, so I guess that explains no germination. :(

I'll probably find that seed under one of the tents next time I do a room clean. Ya'll have fun, I'll be watching from the sidelines.

Man, that sucks. Sorry to hear that bro.
Since people are posting their "other than bud" pics, I decarbed 2g of keif from my the trim from last harvest. IF my keif was only 50% THC, then that was 1000mg, and it ended up in 1lb of clarified butter (380ml after clarification) which produced 38 10mg pats of butter, that should each have 26.3mg THC.
I tried one yesterday, and I think it is a bit stronger :)
And since it's just keif, I don't bother straining it. it's mixed up evenly, but then settles as the budder solidifies.

Whole process was:
Put keif in Nova - push button. (with the silicone sleeve it takes a bit longer to finish doing it's thing)

Clarify butter - I get it just to a simmer, then add 1T of corn starch and whisk it in. All the fat solids bind to the starch and you strain it as soon as you see that happen. It takes 2 minutes instead of being a chore.

Add decarbed keif to butter and whisk it to make sure it is all broken up and pretty much dissolved in.

Put back in Nova and push button.

Pour into butter-tray and cool.

My mistake was that the machine only holds 200ml inside the silicone cup so I had to run 2 batches. Next time it's 2 sticks of butter instead of 4, and 1g of keif.
I am still looking for reliable info, but does anyone know the best long-term storage method for a buzz?

Obviously there's keeping flowers in tins with Boveda packs, but what lasts longest without degradation of the goodies?

Things I have tried (but never had it last that long LOL) are making budder and keeping it in the fridge, hash, keif pressed into pucks etc.

Now with decarb factored in, which lasts longer - bud that has been decarbed for use later, or buds stored as is for use later?
Pot butter, I just learned something new........
It's just like infusing oil to make gummies, or brownies, just way less intensive. So there's a minimum of 38 strong-ish doses. After I do a test (personal, not professional) to see the effects, I'll know if it should be a half of one or not.

Anyway, infused butter and oil is the basis for most edibles. Getting the dosage right without paying to get your weed tested is a bit of fun too :)
@6-bladeleaf u enter the competition on march 15th or are u trying to enter now .If so entries are over I doubt those seeds have been in paper. Towels for a week right? I'll have go back look see if ur in the comp if @dynagro is following u then ur a part of the competiin thanks man
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