The Ultimate Stealth Grow: MINI SILO


Well-Known Member
Do you live in a house with people who dont agree with the idea of you growing? If not then you have wayyyyyyyy better options.


Well-Known Member
I needed a REALLY stealthy grow because not only do I live with people but they like to sneak around in my room.. I've got a lot of good ideas to make it stealthier and fix heat issues. I'll post my blueprints in a minute. And to help out your idea of getting everyone to use this I'll be sure to hand over blueprints to my friend who really wants to grow too :P.


Well-Known Member
Blueprints are one thing, building is another. I just made blueprints because i was stoned and bored. Its better to get shit and just build it.


Active Member
stonegrove: To run the PC fan you need do lower the voltage to 12v...You had 110v coming out of the wall...That's why it went snap-crackle-pop ;)...You need to find an old AC adapter (from any old electronics) that runs @ 12v (it says right on them what they output)...Cut the end off and wire it to the PC fan.

jaykhub: You could use JB weld or any high-temp epoxy instead of hot glue so it won't melt...Also, as far as smell...Next time your at walmart or whatever get the cheapest activated carbon (charcoal) filter...You find them near the air purifiers...Just zip tie it over the exhaust and viola, smell is gone.


Well-Known Member
Well.. I've got more planned but here's my plans so far.. I will DEFINITELY be building it and show you all a pic when it's done. Should be finished this weekend as long as I don't spend my whole paycheck on bud :S.
New ideas put in so far -
- Double chamber. Putting the alluminum inside something else to make it look like nothing important.. Also helps control smell, heat, noise (from fans), and if it's something electronic like a computer it won't look suspicious to have a power chord going through it.
- Double glass. Skyscrapers and houses that need to save a lot of money on energy use this method on windows. It works because of the air chamber in the middle retains heat from the first plate of glass keeping your plants cool when lights are one and warm enough when lights are off. Two birds with one stone :S
- Air vents. Light no long just escapes. The air vents will be covered in aluminum foil to make light bounce back and it is possible to add a white pad that allows air to travel through the pad but not light through the small vent hole near the light. The vent hold MUST be pointing down and not be under a reflective surface. This way virtually no light escapes. There's better ways to do this but not in such a confined space.
- Small carbon scrubber. This will kill the smell and is extremely easy to make or only a few bucks to buy. Since you have a small plant you only need a small filter.

There's more than I said here but those are the basics. This is a lot more complicated but adds only a small cost. It's worth it if you really need to be stealthy and don't want any problems.



Well-Known Member
Get your hat ready.. Honestly it's not a whole lot more complicated. Just a bunch of small mods to the previous design. And there'll always be a way to make something work if it didn't work the first way.


Well-Known Member
Love it. You guys freaking kill me! Can't wait to see how it works. I don't need something that small now (I'm a grown-up so don't need to be stealth because of parents/roomates) but I might use something like that in a few years when I have to be stealth to hide it from my KID! :)
Man, hope you guys use the same genius in pursuing education/career/art etc. Gives me hope for the future of the world. :)
No sarcasm-- straight props.


Well-Known Member
I mess with these stealth grows because i think they are interesting and almost fun. I dont have to hide anything, I have a grow room b
ut i like to help others out with this kinda thing because i know what its like to wonna grow but you cant. So i want others to do what i couldnt for a long time.

And on this sight we are all grown-ups. For we do not condone growing to minors and such.
Love it. You guys freaking kill me! Can't wait to see how it works. I don't need something that small now (I'm a grown-up so don't need to be stealth because of parents/roomates) but I might use something like that in a few years when I have to be stealth to hide it from my KID! :)
Man, hope you guys use the same genius in pursuing education/career/art etc. Gives me hope for the future of the world. :)
No sarcasm-- straight props.


Well-Known Member
Hey, urm. You wanna get a really good stealth grow going? You know Warhammer? The geeky table top gaming thing, trick your parents into thinking you have started doing it. Then, buy one of their carry cases for models. Its easily big enough for a stealth grow of 2 plants!


Well-Known Member
Hope I didn't offend! I use "grown up" in a self-depricating way as a joke. (Do remember though, that Jaykhub *is* in school, so I wasn't completely talking out of my ass.) I'm stealthy too-- my mom would kill me if she came over and found I was growing, even if I am 40 and pay my own mortgage. :) Hanky--- oh man, don't know what I'll do when the kid is old enough for pot, don't even make me think about it

I too love watching the intricate engineering of the mini stealths, but I lack the brain type to design-- sooo... is anything viable up and running yet?!?! We need pics.

SayNoToDrugs said: And on this sight we are all grown-ups. For we do not condone growing to minors and such


Marijuana Toker

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:P Your kid will probably use it too.


Active Member
did a search for "ultimate stealth grow" on google and ended up @ first page here... so were there any practical results? or has it failed? any updates?

sorry for diggin up such an old topic on my first post here, i had no other choice but to post and ask about final results.


Well-Known Member
i think this is a cool idea! im inspired to try something like this! i have read 4 threads so far but everyone is at the stage your at i want to know how you deal with the plant as it wants to grow big.