The Ultimate Stealth Grow: MINI SILO


Active Member
i was reading a post that made me nervous. i just read that cfls suck for flowering
will i be okay with this setup?
im obviously not trying to squeeze every last bit of bud out of her, but i do want an acceptable harvest. prob something like 6-10 grams would be killer.
will i be able to do this or not?

ps. im making my mods in a couple of hours


Well-Known Member
i was reading a post that made me nervous. i just read that cfls suck for flowering
will i be okay with this setup?
im obviously not trying to squeeze every last bit of bud out of her, but i do want an acceptable harvest. prob something like 6-10 grams would be killer.
will i be able to do this or not?

ps. im making my mods in a couple of hours
i heard that you can buy 'red spectrum' cfl bulbs that are good for the flowering stage, ive never used them tho so i wouldnt know, tho i am looking to use them for the pc plant. ....jus thought of a name lol 'PC Plant'

ye u did:joint:


Active Member
ok thanks. ill burn that bridge when i get there tho, prob not for another two weeks or more. that sucks tho cuz changing bulbs is a big deal. i wire my own to save space and thus i weld my wires, so i have to cut it off and weld a new one. but whatever... no worries

thanks again stonegrove



Well-Known Member
CFLs grow decent weed, just not as good asmh and hps. People flower with cfls every day and get decent results. For now youl be fine. But anyway, earlier i thought of a good idea for your problem. Dry ice. Dry ice will melt and evaperate into Co2 and feed it your plant and keep it cool. We breath in o2 and out Co2. Plants are the oposite, so with co2 they grow faster. So If you can keep dry ice at hand then place some under your fan. It will shoot it straight at the plant!!!!


Well-Known Member
To get a GOOD plant growing, one without really wispy/impotent buds, you need about 50-80w of CFL power... That's at least 3000 lumens.


Well-Known Member
I want you to try what your working with now just to see what happens. This is a long process of trial and error.


Active Member
Thanks say no, i thought about that too. however i took several years international baccalaureate chem and bio and have determined a more efficient solution.

although "dry ice" or solidified carbon dioxide would work because of its rare sublimation properties (a sublime element or compound is one that goes from solid state right to a gaseous state, skipping liquidation and boiling entirely) and at STP is rapidly converted to CO2 which is the building block for most of a plants biological processes. however, solid state co2 can be difficult to obtain, dangerous to handle, and the benefits do not outweigh the costs in a grow this size. however, in a large grow room, a co2 generator, an open butane or propane flame, or dry ice makes sense and will improve growth rate, bud size, and heat tolerance.

however, in my grow i will be mixing yeast, sugar, molasses and water in a water bottle. the yeast fungi produce loads of co2 as a waste product (yes, yeast shits out co2 and your plant gobbles it right up). i will drill a small hole in the cap, insert aquarium tubing, silicon the opening and place the end of the hose by the fan.

there ya go...co2 on the cheap....

hope that helps



Well-Known Member
How are you fitting your Co2 bottle into that grow! It seems really cramped as it is!

Are you going to autoflower? This keeps your plants teeny-tiny, but reduces your yield to about 5-10g (usually, some can get up to an ounce if they're predominately sativa)

I'm also in my last year of a Org. Chem major, glad to see some more of us around!


Active Member
How are you fitting your Co2 bottle into that grow! It seems really cramped as it is!

Are you going to autoflower? This keeps your plants teeny-tiny, but reduces your yield to about 5-10g (usually, some can get up to an ounce if they're predominately sativa)

I'm also in my last year of a Org. Chem major, glad to see some more of us around!
haha thanks... im actually a high school senior, planning on going to school for architecture. art is actually my thing. but im just waiting on colleges now

in response to your question, ive actually never heard of "autoflower" but ill look into it once i finish studying and making my mods. i did however see a project online that will cause your plant to dwarf without damaging or stressing it. i will prob purchase either one or something similar once the plant is of nearly target height.

concerning the co2, i dont plan to keep that in the silo. theres no room! i will have the bottle as an external modification and the tube will empty co2 into the fan (which acts as intake not exhaust).

glad to hear from ya



Active Member
LAMO!!!!! your smart man!!!! But what is the temp in the light chamber? Didnt you say it was really high.
haha much appreciated.

the temp is too high, oscillating between 86 and 92 degrees.

my mods will alter that significantly tho (hopefully)




Well-Known Member
What mods are that? I know a young Einstein like you can pull it off! haha

I am really finding alot of interest in this thread, more than i thought i would. And i cant get over why i didnt think about why i didnt think of something like this!!!! Out of all those weekends spent in saturday school thinkin about stealth growing. All that wasted timed. lol. I am gonna steal your idea and see if i can help perfect it in any ways. Because i got a feeling there are gonna be alot of kids growing pot when they hear about this. haha


Active Member
hahaha i laughed reading that.

im keeping the mods a surprise, ill update with pics and info in my usual long-winded manner tonight or as late as tom morning.

im glad that i was able to inspire you and i really hope that you steal my idea! honestly! try it out and get back to me!

im also happy to hear that you found this interesting. i do too!! haha. and im sure it will only get better as my baby matures, weve only just begun.

i really hope that lots of kids copy my idea. if this works i will send a copy of my blueprints and photographs to hightimes. haha maybe theyll like it too. i hope people all over the country try this and are able to have a safe batch of fun/inspiration/medicine. i can only dream of a time when we wont have to be a despised and ridiculed counterculture movement. when we can grow and smoke without looking over our shoulders to see the man or pigs are watching.

but ill spare you my politics and stick to agriculture :)




Well-Known Member
Just for clarification, autoflowering can mean two different things:

Certain strains, like the lowriders start flowering as soon as they hit maturity. IE, you don't need to change your light schedule to begin flowering. They're from seed to harvest in about 60 days, since they don't veg at all.

However, you can force a plant to autoflower by germinating the seed, letting it grow about 1-2" tall (wait until it grows it's 2nd set of leaves) then start flowering. It should end up about a foot to a foot and a half, depending on the strain).


Active Member
hey guys

i just finished my mods. totally exhausted
i cant send any pics cuz i dont know where the phone is, but ill put some up tom.
i replaced the 13 watt with a 26 warm white that is hot and realllly bright.
i have a pane of glass between the silo and the bulb to try to cut down on the heat and built a ghetto cool tube.

i also mounted the fan on the side of the silo to get better circulation and poked an exhaust hole in the side.

i have 2 concerns...the first is heat, last i checked the temp on in the silo was 85 degrees, but im sure that will rise. im i ok? if not, does anyone know of anyways to cool a small area like this? i might get a second fan tom if the heat is still bad. my second concern is light. everything i read tells me i dont have enough light (i have 100w and 1400-1600 lumens over 7 square inches). someone give me some advice! i dont know if i can get any larger of a bulb because of the heat factor

please help

