the ultimate what will it yuild thread


Active Member
I figure for all the people that are wondering what there plants might yuild we can start a thread where every one can post and get estimates from more experienced growers. I will start I have two plants on critical kush and one burmese kush been veging for about 7 weeks and got one more to go because I just potted up. Vegging under a 90w ufo and going to flower under a 240w blackstar v2. This is my first indoor grow and I only have one outdoor under my belt. I just started germinating two more seeds mkultra and darkstar



Well-Known Member
congratulations, my man! you're gonna yield about a pound! I've only got about a pound so far, and I already have a grow under my belt!

a thread with a title like this one is kinda like one of those ads that says "FREE BEER- now that I have your attention..."
What prize are you giving to the person who correctly guesses the yield? are you gonna give them the yield? wire money? if it's +rep then I'll say about a pound. If it's a "closest without going over winner keeps the yield" kinda situation I'mma say two ounces.

seriously, every "how much am I gonna get?" thread has the same answer.

How much can I yield with X strain under Y light in Z tent?
a) about a pound
b) not enough to sell
c) both of the above

It's always gonna be B, though rollitup seems convinced that the answer is actually C


Active Member
I was just trying to start a thread were ever one can post the (how much will it yield question) instead of flooding the forum. And two ounces was more what I was thinking. I guess I just figure asking a question you might get a real answer


Active Member
Nice grow man what kinda light are you using? I haven't been around long enough to make a guess but maybe some one els will have a real answer for you and not a smart ass one