The Union... The Business Behind Getting High


Well-Known Member
to me it seems just like a generic pro weed film, same as the generic anti weed films. there just made to reinforce a point to the desired viewer i.e you show a anti weed film in a christian illogical area and they will support it because in thier mind "drugs are bad, if you smoke weed youll be dead by the time your 30" you show them a pro weed film and maybe 1 or 2 might change but the rest already have the propaganda instilled, in a logical area you show a anti weed film and they say "this is a load of horse shit, i know loads of people that smoke weed without any problems", you show a pro weed film and they will agree coz they already have the mindset that weed is o.k and this film reinforces that view. its just another tool of propaganda on the opposite spectrum.