The United States of Communism.


Well-Known Member
HaHaHa! Learn to spell and then come back and talk to me. In fact, no worries. I've been perusing this politics forum too long.... I told myself a long time ago not to engage in debates on forums. I'm WAYYYYYYY to educated for this shit.
OoOOo, what a scathing retort. You showed him. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Those countries aren't worried about being world powers. Why should we?

And Canada and Britain are NOT small countries, relatively speaking. Neither is France. They are all socialist.

And don't fall down the slippery slope people. Just because we adopt socialist tendencies does NOT mean that the government will own your body and labor. You would see NO dramatic change from the current state of our nation and your daily experience if we were to adopt more socialist trends.

I say, bring it on..... Unless you're UBER rich, then socialism will only benefit you. I say, take the wealth from those who pillaged and raped to get it in the first place. They didn't earn it and it's not theirs (fired up yet?)

Strange, if the government does not own my body and my labor then why can I not refuse to pay taxes with out the government throwing my ass in jail?

If I am truly free then would I not be able to choose not to pay taxes with out having my liberties violated?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
None of us are free. We seem to be moving towards a more authoritarian all knowing all controlling government. If we were free the fatty I'm about to spark up wouldn't have to wait till I'm somewhere beyond the view of those who "know what's best for me". Live and let live, a simple credo, getting harder to follow where'd I put my lighter? Peace.


Well-Known Member
Well I guess thats what I get for all those years of
government school.
Sorry never been good at spelling.
But if thats all you got I guess we can put,
Forced Socialism/Communism to rest then can't we.
You want to be communist cool go find a mess of other
Commys and work together to create your little utopia.
I don't care, but if your gonna start waving guns around,
your part of the problem.


Well-Known Member are a real fucking genius.
You clearly misread my tone. I wasn't saying I'm too educated to discuss politics with YOU - I meant that I'm too educated to be discussing politics in an online forum, especially considering the fact that I'm a university professor, surrounded by colleagues with whom I can engage in edifying discourse, albeit political, philosophical, social, etc...

I'm no longer going to spend time on this political forum when I can talk to colleagues in real life, which is much more gratifying for me. So I am not disrespecting you - I merely want to use my time to discuss matters in an environment that I find more comfortable and leisurely. You see, there is a certain peculiarity in a professor choosing to use his time (which we highly value) to talk politics to anonymous personalities on the interwebs.

I felt the need to clear up the misconception that I'm a hubristic, know-it-all. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I will leave you to your bashing of anything left or liberal or open or social or progressive or contrary to YOUR thoughts. Have a wonderful day.


Well-Known Member
To erudite to discuse the ligitimate use of force.
with a guy who barely passed High school.
Its a good thing our university Professors
are all a bunch of Know it alls.
Who get together and circle jerk themselves
and their students, in their ivory towers of socialist thought.
that advicate the use of force on any who disagree with them.
They are indeed so enlightened.

Then we wonder why smart people get out of college
and have no concept of private property.


New Member
To erudite to discuse the ligitimate use of force.
with a guy who barely passed High school.
Its a good thing our university Professors
are all a bunch of Know it alls.
Who get together and circle jerk themselves
and their students, in their ivory towers of socialist thought.
that advicate the use of force on any who disagree with them.
They are indeed so enlightened.

Then we wonder why smart people get out of college
and have no concept of private property.
You know what, Ilkhan ...?? You've made some great posts in the past, but that was one of your best posts ever. You certainly have jrh pegged ... that's for sure.

Man, I can just see a group of liberal/progressive professors sitting around the lunch-break table talking liberal politics and congratulating themselves on how clever they are ... while their Messiah in the White House is leading the country down the fascist road to serfdom.



Well-Known Member
I was thinking the exact same thing Vi. Like most statists, they will only engage in discourse with the ilk who share their same warped vision. That is unless they are shouting down the views of an "invited" guest speaker on their campus who actually dares hold a different opinion.

They ONLY get their information from the mainstream media puppets...CNBC, Oberman, and almost any newspaper these days. Because they don't want to hear the facts on ANY subject, they simply avoid any source that might force them to question their views.

We are a different animal entirely. We have no choice but to see both sides of every issue. We cannot avoid hearing and seeing their side of every issue, just try to avoid it, it's's everywhere. So the conclusions we arrive at are at the very least informed... which is a claim they simply can't make.


Well-Known Member
I don't like to be mean.
But People who look down their noses
at me Piss me off.

Its like he thinks hes in THE enlightenment club
and I am not invited.
Why don't you go single out
another group to persecute.

I can talk with MedMan all day.
But this guy takes the cake.


Well-Known Member
You know what, Ilkhan ...?? You've made some great posts in the past, but that was one of your best posts ever. You certainly have jrh pegged ... that's for sure.

Man, I can just see a group of liberal/progressive professors sitting around the lunch-break table talking liberal politics and congratulating themselves on how clever they are ... while their Messiah in the White House is leading the country down the fascist road to serfdom.

I don't like Obama and I already explained my previous post. Most of the professors I hang out with are Libertarian or simply not defined by general labels. I don't look down on you or anyone else. I don't even know you. I read your posts and feel sorry for your Medean mindset. Knowing that you will never change or consider another point of view, I then say things that I KNOW will piss you off and watch you make fun of me. It's quite fun. School's over, so now I get to toy with the mongrels.

Let's have it. Call me names. Flex your muscle and warped prowess. Belittle me! Belittle me!


Well-Known Member
Not so I've changed, I've changed over the course of my life a great deal.
I've come to the realization that it is wrong to initiate force.
I've figured out that you and I own our bodies and our labor.
I've learned that government is force.
I've learned that equal freedom is more to be desired then equal outcomes.

Back in the old days I would look to state to solve problems.
I would think why doesn't the government own the car companies?
Why doesn't the government own the banks?
Why doesn't the government run the doctors offices.
Why can't the Government provide jobs and health care to everyone.
I still find myself lapsing into this mind set from time to time.

Then It struck me, why must I ask the government for permission to get married?
If there is a second amendment RIGHT why must I get permission from the government to buy a firearm?
What is government and by what authority do they force me to get permission for things I have a God given right to.
Why can they take my money by force, and give it to people I don't know, to do things I don't approve of?

Its not that I hate liberals I just want them to put the gun down
and explain to me why I owe them some of my private property.
Same with Conservatives, Put the Gun down and explain to me
why I should pay for torture or military adventurism and nation building.

Until you can justify theft and singling out one group to plunder.
Your a commy bastard.

And I can't believe you would refer to people as "Mongrels," your a real peise of work bud.


Well-Known Member
I don't like Obama and I already explained my previous post. Most of the professors I hang out with are Libertarian or simply not defined by general labels. I don't look down on you or anyone else. I don't even know you. I read your posts and feel sorry for your Medean mindset. Knowing that you will never change or consider another point of view, I then say things that I KNOW will piss you off and watch you make fun of me. It's quite fun. School's over, so now I get to toy with the mongrels.

Let's have it. Call me names. Flex your muscle and warped prowess. Belittle me! Belittle me!
lol you crack my shit up man. but i agree with your fellow professors... choosing either democrat or republican is ridiculous


Well-Known Member
I don't like Obama and I already explained my previous post. Most of the professors I hang out with are Libertarian or simply not defined by general labels. I don't look down on you or anyone else. I don't even know you. I read your posts and feel sorry for your Medean mindset. Knowing that you will never change or consider another point of view, I then say things that I KNOW will piss you off and watch you make fun of me. It's quite fun. School's over, so now I get to toy with the mongrels.

Let's have it. Call me names. Flex your muscle and warped prowess. Belittle me! Belittle me!
Wow, I've never seen a Myrmidon accuse some one of a Medean Mindset, but there's a first time for everything.


Well-Known Member
socialism is shit.. anything the government gives you they had to take away first. Remember that the gov't produces nothing, therefore it cannot "Give" you anything, because it has nothing. For the gov't to have anything it has to take it by force from someone else. That in a nutshell is how it works. The founding fathers knew all this and that is why they wrote a Constitution that gave us rights to property, arms and Liberty from Gov't interferance among other things such as inalienable rights. Not everything in the constitution is perfect, but man is not perfect either.

I love the politics forum, I have had to change my mind about a few things over the years because I got some good insight from someone here, hell even medman makes me think...for the better although for the most part I do not agree with his take on things. Discussing politics is MUCH better to do it on a forum, you might hate that such and such user, but he isn't your neighbor or friend or workmate. When discussing politics its very easy to make enemies with the people you are discussing it with. With a forum there is no hate towards any person, just an anonymous user name. So if you want to piss off your workmates, just discuss politics with them, eventually you will despise each other. And if you only discuss with like minded individuals then you are in trouble, for only an opposing viewpoint can we learn anything about ourselves and others. These heated arguments are the exact reason why we come here, the reason they get so heated is because people are passionate about their country and want to see it all go well for everyone. If everyone agreed I would never visit this place.


Well-Known Member
socialism is shit.. anything the government gives you they had to take away first. Remember that the gov't produces nothing, therefore it cannot "Give" you anything, because it has nothing. For the gov't to have anything it has to take it by force from someone else. That in a nutshell is how it works. The founding fathers knew all this and that is why they wrote a Constitution that gave us rights to property, arms and Liberty from Gov't interferance among other things such as inalienable rights. Not everything in the constitution is perfect, but man is not perfect either.

I love the politics forum, I have had to change my mind about a few things over the years because I got some good insight from someone here, hell even medman makes me think...for the better although for the most part I do not agree with his take on things. Discussing politics is MUCH better to do it on a forum, you might hate that such and such user, but he isn't your neighbor or friend or workmate. When discussing politics its very easy to make enemies with the people you are discussing it with. With a forum there is no hate towards any person, just an anonymous user name. So if you want to piss off your workmates, just discuss politics with them, eventually you will despise each other. And if you only discuss with like minded individuals then you are in trouble, for only an opposing viewpoint can we learn anything about ourselves and others. These heated arguments are the exact reason why we come here, the reason they get so heated is because people are passionate about their country and want to see it all go well for everyone. If everyone agreed I would never visit this place.

Strange, I'm just as opinionated around my friends as here. If they can not stand to have the argument and we're not willing to be friends after butting heads on differing thoughts, then we were never friends to begin with.

Friendship is more than the phony commercialization that companies like Mattel have forced upon the population nowadays.

"BFF until you piss each other off."

Though I think that is definitely a pet peeve of mine. Seeing people older than their preteens using the contrived commercialized term, BFF.


New Member
Let's have it. Call me names. Flex your muscle and warped prowess. Belittle me! Belittle me!
Contrary to your beliefs, jrh ... I don't flex muscle, call names or engage in personal attacks unless I've been attacked first.

On your belittlement ... its not necessary for me to engage in that endeavor. You're doing a great job of that on your own.



New Member
Contrary to your beliefs, jrh ... I don't flex muscle, call names or engage in personal attacks unless I've been attacked first.

On your belittlement ... its not necessary for me to engage in that endeavor. You're doing a great job of that on your own.

Wow redd, your green line is slipping behing your orange line. Does that mean that you are unliked by your fellow sitesters, who'd of thunk. I realize the "Nazis" dislike my posts, but I say, "tough titty". I see socialistic Capitalism as the new American mindset, thank God. Maybe we'll actually see some things like universal health care in this country, land of the free. I know, I know, Commies under every table, How it must hurt you Nazis, EH?


Well-Known Member
Wow redd, your green line is slipping behing your orange line. Does that mean that you are unliked by your fellow sitesters, who'd of thunk. I realize the "Nazis" dislike my posts, but I say, "tough titty". I see socialistic Capitalism as the new American mindset, thank God. Maybe we'll actually see some things like universal health care in this country, land of the free. I know, I know, Commies under every table, How it must hurt you Nazis, EH?
Just wanted to point out that your term "socialistic capitalism" is a contrived term. That term is really just a way to make what is happening a little more palatable to moderate individual. Make no mistake "socialistic capitalism" is quite impossible, it's just a pit stop on the road from capitalism to socialism. And since we all study history and we all know that NO SOCIALIST society has ever succeeded......EVER, I think we all know where this is headed.

And just in case you weren't aware, the Nazis were Socialists. That's exactly how the party started. Med you need to do you some readin'.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Wow redd, your green line is slipping behing your orange line. Does that mean that you are unliked by your fellow sitesters, who'd of thunk. I realize the "Nazis" dislike my posts, but I say, "tough titty". I see socialistic Capitalism as the new American mindset, thank God. Maybe we'll actually see some things like universal health care in this country, land of the free. I know, I know, Commies under every table, How it must hurt you Nazis, EH?
I don't understand how there can be universal health care funded by involuntary taxation and still declare ths country as "land of the free". Doesn't free mean unemcumbered, able to make choices on ones own, uncoerced etc?

Therefore if a person(s) chooses not to fund universal health are are they still "free" ?