The Universe Provides


Well-Known Member
So in the last month or so I've been drawn to DMT. I can't stop thinking about it, researching it, reading trip reports etc...

I so badly want the experience, yet had given up hope of finding it locally due to me living in a small shithole town.

Then out of no where at a trim yesterday a guy mentions, literally out of no where, that his buddy had just done a DMT extraction and gave him a 1/4g that he doesn't really want. Nobody else at this trim even knew what it was. I jumped at the chance and gave him $100 for it. I don't know if I overpaid or not...I probably would have given him $500 if he asked.

The whole thing was weird though. It just felt like because I was putting those thoughts out there the Universe provided for me.

Anyway it's a bit pastey which from what understand is just from the plants lipids and waxes. Here's a pic20160208_154521.jpg

Not sure when I'm going to give it a go. I will be doing one more 7g mushroom trip on Thursday, then I think I'll wait 2 weeks then do the DMT.
That's amazing man! I've had a few experiences like that, my very first DMT experience started when I forgot to ask a guy I had just met about DMT (I'd asked practically everyone for 10 years..) So forgot to ask him... And he says hey I brought the LSD you wanted, the shrooms you wanted, I brought my weed so you can compare to yours, maybe I have a better variety, oh and I don't know if you know what this is, I got something called DMT...
I didn't even let him finish the sentence.

Its so weird how both of our stories of DMT are like the same!
Tolerance for DMT goes back to 0 in about half an hour. Unless you binge then it goes to 0 in like 6 hours, I've smoked half a g throughout a day and each trip was just as potent, you could do the shrooms and DMT together, or move up the DMT trip, if you want to experience it, its so amazing
Ya that is's like dmt seeks us out if we are putting out those vibes.

I might do it sooner than 2 weeks. I just want to make sure I'm in a good head space. And also practice my meditation a bit more intensely, just to help quiet the mind and really submit to the dmt experience.


So in the last month or so I've been drawn to DMT. I can't stop thinking about it, researching it, reading trip reports etc...

I so badly want the experience, yet had given up hope of finding it locally due to me living in a small shithole town.

Then out of no where at a trim yesterday a guy mentions, literally out of no where, that his buddy had just done a DMT extraction and gave him a 1/4g that he doesn't really want. Nobody else at this trim even knew what it was. I jumped at the chance and gave him $100 for it. I don't know if I overpaid or not...I probably would have given him $500 if he asked.

The whole thing was weird though. It just felt like because I was putting those thoughts out there the Universe provided for me.

Anyway it's a bit pastey which from what understand is just from the plants lipids and waxes. Here's a picView attachment 3604203

Not sure when I'm going to give it a go. I will be doing one more 7g mushroom trip on Thursday, then I think I'll wait 2 weeks then do the DMT.
It's the law of attraction brother you get back what you put out. Glad it came through for you. Enjoy your adventures in the cosmos.
I have a quartz banger like your second pic on an double perc dab rig. I'm debating whether or not to add water or hit it dry.
If You are good at hitting harsh grass and/or hash, I would not use water.
If You cough easily when You smoke... I would most definitely use water.
I would not use a dab rig or nail. Bangers are perfect. so I think You are gold, @PKHydro

Oil burner. No nails. You want a place where the dmt pools. Also dab rigs and nails will burn the dmt unless You have an e nail . and then You are gunna have to find what temp. n,n-dmt vaporizes.