The unofficial Official 11 / 13 from Seed thread -


Well-Known Member
The girls I started in December from seed, but not from 11/13, are looking really beautiful. It'll be nice to get some smoke for my stash and free up the tent space. These are in 2 and 3 gallon fabrics and should be pretty close in a couple weeks. I'm hoping the buds swell up from here on out. I won't be flushing and I'll continue with daily light feeding almost through to the end but will revisit that as they get closer.

The seeds are from Tony Greenhand. Og Credsy and Peaches F2- Hard to find much information on these two strains but they're trippy genetic mixes from the little I can find on them.

Also, here is an OG Credsy 11/13 fs just getting into flowering... decided to LST.

Stay lifted my 'flowering light schedule from seed' friends. 8-)


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Well-Known Member
Rasoli Village sativa landrace update-

2 of them are being stubborn and haven't popped above yet but I'll continue working with them and maybe try the sandpaper trick.
The other 9 are looking good ranging from 1/2" - 2" tall roughly. I'll get some pics on those soon for you.


Well-Known Member
@potroast - I think he is basing his thread on the DJ Short suggestion of using 11/13 to get the best Sativa expression.

I love the info from Dr. Rob Clarke about 12 hours creating higher THC content.



Well-Known Member
“Hear me now, thank me later,” Short said, and slowed down his voice: “For your bud cycle: eleven hours on, thirteen off. Okay? What will happen first and foremost is that you will see phenotypic expressions that you will never see with the twelve/twelve.”


Well-Known Member
@potroast - I think he is basing his thread on the DJ Short suggestion of using 11/13 to get the best Sativa expression.

I love the info from Dr. Rob Clarke about 12 hours creating higher THC content.


Well then, I guess DJ has all of those sativa phenotypic expressions that have less THC than they could have. :lol:

With my bud grown using 13 hours of light, I don't miss the phenotypic expressions, because I'm higher than a cats back.



Well-Known Member
Update on everybody's favorite, haha mine at least... GG#4.... I did a little LST at bedtime on a few of these girls... Looking healthy if small... :-)

Stay high friends!



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Well-Known Member
These excellent videos give a deeper understanding of training methods .... not for the defoliation faint of heart crowd. 8-) Stay lifted!

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Well-Known Member
Feminized Cambodian Landrace Sativa from Khalifa Genetics. Please order some seeds from them. they are awesome!

Al, if you are out there please give tips as these girls start to grow... thank you!

PS- Looking like I'll have 9 of the Rasol's to work with. I'm so excited! thank you, again!
Pure Sativa as nature intended.... :-)



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Well-Known Member
Slowly getting the feel of LST mixed with defoliating... I'm somewhere between feeling comfortably in control and feeling like I am taking too much off, hurting the plant, etc. I have a lot to learn through my experience making mistakes.. but I do know this... it's a weed and if you give it love it bounces back...usually in a vigorous nature!

...Lol... but I do have a feeling these Apollo Haze are about to explode higher so I am tying them down while I still have the chance! (?) hee hee :-)

Stay lifted friends!


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Well-Known Member
--Stakes vs Scrog---

I'm leaning towards stakes at this point.... (I need to find some little chopstick size) 8-)



Well-Known Member
More of a mental note for me- The Apollo Haze harvest window is roughly April 10th-17th ...


Well-Known Member
it wasn't sunni it was the other troll that kept posting nonsense when asked politely to stop. I won't ask you nicely. Hit the road, jack.

You're calling one of the most experienced growers here a troll?? :roll:

I think I'll move this thread to Newbie Central. :lol: :lol:
