The usual problems.


Active Member
I have a 600W setup that i'm using for the last time as the room is going to be taken by a student mate of mine for the next two years. Anyway, I bought seeds from ch9 shop and the strains were Aroma and Greenbud.
I though I should make a momma and then get clones from her and so I got 3 healthy ones (didn't need more) and tried to make some from Greenbud as well, but it didn't work out. I won't get into details as it's irrelevant. Anyway, so I had three Aroma clones, two Greenbud's from seed and one Aroma from seed, 6 in total.

It was going really well in the beginning but a week before I switched to 12/12 the seed babies started to show sickness of sorts. At first I thought it was the heat (27-30 C) but I tried to take them out of the box and put them in my other room, where it was around 24 C - nothing changed. I was thinking that maybe it's the fertilizer and tried to give them more, but that didn't work out either.

Anyway, hope you can give me an advice. The setup is:
600W hps
six 17liter containers
Biogrow and Biobloom fertilizers with Mikoriza mushroom additive (seperate)

P.s. - don't flame about the temperature. I don't have an air conditioner and in this summer's heat it's impossible to go below 27. I have some shitty cooler, but that's pretty much it. It keeps the temperature from reaching 34 and more degrees.

P.s.s. - as you can see, only the ones from seed are affected. I didn't make pictures of the other two Aroma clones as they are as green and healthy as the big one. They all were started at the same time, given the same amount of nutes, water, etc. So I can't really figure out why this is happening. All of them seem to be female, but the sick siblings have grown only preflowers.



Well-Known Member
something similiar happened to one of my girls, turnt out to be a combination of too many nutes and heat stress


Active Member
Looks like your ph is to high or low ,heat stress and nute burn. Flush and ph your water to 6 lower temps feed less nutes.