Your divisive,racist rhetoric is another example of the programmed hostility.And the American public has become sooo fucking numb to the carnage of war that still too this day, we as a Nation yawn at our "New" seemingly endless war in Afghanistan.
Think about that
I have spent my entire life as a US citizen in a state of War, not even for a week in 64 fucking years have I not read about or witnessed on a TV screen an act of aggression performed by the US.
We're the biggest warmongers on the fucking Planet & yet we have the audacity to point fingers at others for they're supposed barbarism.
Talk about Sophistry
Then I started college, and applied for a student deferment, and Congress decided to disallow deferments for new college students!
Divisive racist rhetoric?Your divisive,racist rhetoric is another example of the programmed hostility.
Lot's came north and many stayed after the Vietnam war, even with Carter's pardon. Speaking of pardons, will Donald empty the prisons with a blanket pardon when he goes, just for shits and giggles... He will need a big distraction when he goes, so every rapist and murder in America hitting the streets all at once should provide that! Trump's base will say they are all angels, even the ones who murdered their kids.I know how the Vietnam war came about, it’s basically why I’m Canadian. My old man came here (legally) to avoid it, he was lucky to have a choice IMO. I misinterpreted your point as I thought you were saying we should rely on the “spooks” to avert war when in fact they’ve fucked up everything they’ve done and caused more conflict in the name of democracy.
Please inform us all what exactly is divisive and racist about hating perpetual war and the military industrial complex?Your divisive,racist rhetoric is another example of the programmed hostility.