The VO Grow #2

Sorry guys actually going to have to do the video update tomorrow.. one of the sprouts is having a little spirally difficulty going up the rockwool, but it will be fine by tomorrow. Look forward to it then.. once again, sorry =/
"And it's Strawberry Kough out in front by a neck!" ;)

I got 4 of 6 to pop up, under 46w of 6500k CFLs, on 24/0.

Although yours are going to be female for sure, so I am already behind!

I forget, you got two 3.5 gal buckets? More then that? Straight up or trained?
I got 4 of 6 to pop up, under 46w of 6500k CFLs, on 24/0.

Well I got 2 of 2 to "pop" (basically sprout) as will be shown in this first of the second's weekly update on youtube. Of course I'll post the links here later when I actually make the video.. I'm very tired this morning, just got home.

P.S. BIG DRUG PARTY.. smoking and snorting could be heard ALL DAY AND NIGHT.. I actually left a couple hours "early." Now I have to get some sleep.. see you guys soon.
Did a bit of partying last night, but that wasn't the main reason the video got made today. Weekly video updates on Wednesday or Friday.. I haven't decided yet. Most of the time exclusive pics/thoughts that I don't post in the thread.

Look who decided to join the party..
