The VO Grow #2

hey vo, one of my sprouts is shriveling up. it was always smaller but it doesnt look good.any recomendations? the second set of leaves started to come out but hasnt changed in a week.
No signs of the 'said' potassium issue increases after super low dose of bloom nutes.. I'll have to keep monitoring over the next few days though.

The roots are amazing.. pushing through those inches of hydroton in the 6" net pot. Both of them have multiple roots, BC1 has one really long root that's getting hairy already which I'll show you. I think they're reacting to the microbes.

Nice! I was thinking about using some GH subculture (B & M...?) products this time around, but didn't. Have you used any of GH's subculture products - my hydro store pitches this stuff at quite a price; makes me scratch my head sometimes on the math of it all, considering growing should reduce my cost in theory :wall:

Your girls are a bit further along than mine.
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I haven't used nor heard anything about Subculture other than what I've seen in Magazines/Catalogues. But yeah, it seemed overpriced to me too.. unless a bag is intended to last forever.
Lookin' good VO !!
The 1st seeds I ever bought online were Big Buddha Blue Cheese, about 4 years ago ! lol
Video update tomorrow, looks like BC2 might be doing the same thing BC1 did (eating her bottom leaves.)

Still going to need a couple days to make sure, though.
sorry man it wouldnt let me upload, then i couldnt get on the site. lost the smallest one. put another seed down.
I haven't used nor heard anything about Subculture other than what I've seen in Magazines/Catalogues. But yeah, it seemed overpriced to me too.. unless a bag is intended to last forever.

I have used subculture M It seems to work but I used it in a tea and yes a bag would last a long time. I don't remember what I paid for it around 25- 30 bucks I think
yeah i know, ( damn noobie's) well thats why i ordered several seed's, because i dont know what i'm doing yet. i figuered there would be a few casualties. LMAO! i sprouted another and it went into rockwool tonight. got under a cfl and on a heatmat.
Well MJ if you want to find out what went wrong pm me a detailed list of everything you used (brand wise) and how you did it, including what you think went wrong and the signs you saw up to death.

"Casualties" isn't something you want to say in the growing profession nor hobby.
thats cool, but i'm new to it so i dont know what terms evreyone wants to hear, all i know is it turned white and wilted. and as i'm new to it i expected some things to go wrong. didnt mean to make light of it.