Well-Known Member
Hello everyone and welcome to the watering hole. I decided to start a thread where folks can come to to find and or share actual drink recipes. Didn't see one so I thought it may make for a good addition/read here. Feel free to add your recipes, also if you have tried them before, and your down right absolute fav drinks. I myself plan to add atleast 1 maybe 2 recipes daily. I'm an avid drinker when I am out of cannabis.
although I try and not drink no more then twice to maybe 3 x a week. Look forward to hearing from everyone, let the fun began.
Peace & love fam.
I will start off this show with three.
this recipe calls for my absolute favorite drinks which is crown royal.
Drink #1. Hairy Ass. Crown royal, Dr. Pepper, peach schnapps, topped off with Yukon jack. I have tried this and have to say it is very good.
Drink #2.
Havent tried but to say the least the name kinda threw me for a loop. Lol
F**k You Up The Ass With A Banana (Cocktail). Start off with Baileys Irish Cream, Cream, Creme de Banane, Crown Royal, Jose Cuervo, and Kahlua to top it off.
Drink #3. Lethal Injection. Start off with (Punch)or Cranberry Juice, Crown Royal, Everclear, Southern Comfort. Havent tried this one yet, however I really like drinks that have punch and everclear. Reminds me of old school spiked watermelons with added everclear we would eat back in the day.

Peace & love fam.
I will start off this show with three.

Drink #1. Hairy Ass. Crown royal, Dr. Pepper, peach schnapps, topped off with Yukon jack. I have tried this and have to say it is very good.

Drink #2.
Havent tried but to say the least the name kinda threw me for a loop. Lol
F**k You Up The Ass With A Banana (Cocktail). Start off with Baileys Irish Cream, Cream, Creme de Banane, Crown Royal, Jose Cuervo, and Kahlua to top it off.
Drink #3. Lethal Injection. Start off with (Punch)or Cranberry Juice, Crown Royal, Everclear, Southern Comfort. Havent tried this one yet, however I really like drinks that have punch and everclear. Reminds me of old school spiked watermelons with added everclear we would eat back in the day.