The weed god(s)


Well-Known Member
Animistic and some polytheistic belief systems often have deities or spirits over nearly all of the mundane things in peoples' lives. Following this, it makes sense that some cultures would have spirits or deities that rule over cannabis.

In addition, Cannabis has been identified as a sacred herb to several different deities over the course of mankind.

When I was fairly new to polytheistic views, I was hanging out with one of my friends who is not religious at all. We had smoked, and were about to roll another blunt, and I was pondering about possible deities related to weed. We were in the back yard of my friend's house, and had just broken up the last of our weed into a potpie tin, which was sitting on a picnic table. In my train of thought, I turned to my buddy and said aloud "I wonder if there is a weed god". At that moment, a gust of wind came and blew the pot pie tin to the opposite edge of the table, where it stopped and teetered on the edge. I promptly rescued the weed and had the answer to my question.

Does anyone have any similar stories, or any info on deities that have an affinity or relationship to cannabis? Whether you are religious or not, does anyone know any weed-related mythology?


Well-Known Member
So I guess the cannabis god is friends with the wind god?
Wind is important for pollination, which is how marijuana propagates, so I think "ally" might be a better term. I've also heard wind can help strengthen the stalks, but I'd need to see some research to fully support that.
That's not to say insects and possibly some birds aren't responsible for pollination as well, so their respective gods or spirits could also be considered allies.

Have any info towards the questions posed in the OP other than derisive comments?


Active Member

I'm not sure if the symbol above her is actually a marijuana plant but the resemblance is remarkable.


Well-Known Member
Wind is important for pollination, which is how marijuana propagates, so I think "ally" might be a better term. I've also heard wind can help strengthen the stalks, but I'd need to see some research to fully support that.
That's not to say insects and possibly some birds aren't responsible for pollination as well, so their respective gods or spirits could also be considered allies.

Have any info towards the questions posed in the OP other than derisive comments?
Are you a little touchy today? You have an answer to my question but then call it a derisive comment?


Well-Known Member
Its Actually This Papyrus Plant..

Here are some other variants of the plants family

But the interesting part is that Seshat was known as The goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge, and Writing.

Pharaoh Tuthmosis III (1479-1425 B.C.E. ) called her Sefket-Abwy (She of seven points). Spell 10 of the coffin text states "Seshat opens the door of heaven for you."

The Seven Points also represented a Seven Pointed Star.

Of no spoken correlation seven stars are also known to relate to the seven chakras. These are sometimes noted in ancient/esoteric teachings that refer to the bible verse Genesis 1:26 when 'Elohim' properly translated as 'God' is plural. The passage reads 'In the beginning the gods made heaven and earth'. These were the 'gods' who 'let there be light' in Genesis - who are the seven great spirits who work together as the the great spiritual influence emanating from the sun "3rd Chakra".

In Chinese medicine the energetic flow of Chi is known to animate the body. This is why focus and great emphasis on the role of the 'Solar Plexus' is made in Spiritual Practice.

Ok, I'll stop here...

I've strayed off topic but everything is connected if only by six degrees of separation.


Active Member
Is it definitively a papyrus plant? Common hieroglyphs that I've seen are nothing like the symbol depicted above Sheshat.


Well-Known Member
The six degrees of separation commentary was added because Weed interestingly so is linked/related to knowledge, wisdom, was used for paper and some would say it "opens the door to heaven for you."

I also noticed after the fact because of coincidental thought. It took six people posting on this thread to bring that knowledge to the forefront. I had no idea about Seshat from a personal standpoint (imo I haven't finished, "The Egyptian Book of The Dead," sounds familiar) but I knew a great deal in reference to the other related topics I spoke on.

Sometimes it is truely our thoughts that shape the reality around us it would appear.


Well-Known Member
I a bring that thought train full circle I think...

You brought up the chakras, which are often used in meditation and many forms of energy work. Cannabis use opens and activates the chakras, making energy work and meditation easier. Moedrate use, that is. Too much and it becomes difficult to focus and the mind wanders.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you see my thoughts exactly.

My point was it may as well have been the "Weed" goddess we were looking for.

She seems deserving of the role... or script... pun intended :joint:

Charlie Who?

Active Member
Im a Pagan and I do believe all of Nature is Sacred. I dont know if any particular Deity is "in charge" of MJ, but I have called weed "The Green Goddess", LOL.It seems to me that the Goddess has given us many sacred plants. MJ, mushrooms, peyote are just the tip of the iceberg. In one way or another, they are all "Doorways" to Spirit, I think.

Have you ever heard of William Burroughs? He was from the "Beatnic" generation and wrote a book called, "Naked Lunch". Anyway, he was a major doper. He said he went to the Amazon to try "YAGE" (also known as "Ayahuasca") This stuff is a combination of two plants. One is called, "Vine of Souls" and I forget what the other is. Anyway, the Amazon Indians believe that Yage contains a sentient Being who will reveal secrets to the user IF the Spirit likes you. However, if he doesnt like you or doesnt think you are worthy, he might steal your mind forever. Burroughs said that nothing, not LSD, peyote, mushrooms is close to the intensity of the Yage experience. Some peiople have great, enlightening experiences and some have terrible, horrifying experiences. LOL, I ordered both components from bouncingbearbotanicals. com, but never got up the nerve to use them. After a few years of them sitting in a drawer I finally just threw them out.

All this just to say I thinkyou may be right.


Charlie Who?

Active Member
Cant help but think seven pointed leaves=Marijuana leaves,could be a loose correlation.Or just my imagination again.

I can get behind that idea. Seven is a "Holy" number in Eastern and Western Numerology. If anybody read Carlos Casteneda back in the 70's, Don Juan said that all "magical" plants have their ways of calling us--the seven fingered leaves may be MJ's way of saying, "HEY! SMOKE ME!"



Active Member

The Papyrus plant was used for writing on. Also why she was known as the god of writing measurement. It's documented in any reference of your choosing. I left a link to one.
Evidently the common consensus is that the symbol above her head is a Papyrus symbol yet a simple search for "papyrus" symbols/hieroglyphs doesn't really yield anything close to the same depiction. Since the pictorial nature of hieroglyphs and the stylized symbols that are found are often grouped together in like sets and then roughly translated I would suggest that the image depicted in a few instances just may have been misconstrued. Papyrus hieroglyphs were quite common and are far enough from the 7 pointed image shown that I would be interested in specific translations where an image more similar to the one I've linked is used as Papyrus.

The wiki link notes that a citation is needed over the actual symbol above her head as being definitively a papyrus image.


Well-Known Member
Im a Pagan and I do believe all of Nature is Sacred. I dont know if any particular Deity is "in charge" of MJ, but I have called weed "The Green Goddess", LOL.It seems to me that the Goddess has given us many sacred plants. MJ, mushrooms, peyote are just the tip of the iceberg. In one way or another, they are all "Doorways" to Spirit, I think.

Have you ever heard of William Burroughs? He was from the "Beatnic" generation and wrote a book called, "Naked Lunch". Anyway, he was a major doper. He said he went to the Amazon to try "YAGE" (also known as "Ayahuasca") This stuff is a combination of two plants. One is called, "Vine of Souls" and I forget what the other is. Anyway, the Amazon Indians believe that Yage contains a sentient Being who will reveal secrets to the user IF the Spirit likes you. However, if he doesnt like you or doesnt think you are worthy, he might steal your mind forever. Burroughs said that nothing, not LSD, peyote, mushrooms is close to the intensity of the Yage experience. Some peiople have great, enlightening experiences and some have terrible, horrifying experiences. LOL, I ordered both components from bouncingbearbotanicals. com, but never got up the nerve to use them. After a few years of them sitting in a drawer I finally just threw them out.

All this just to say I thinkyou may be right.

The chemical in the ayahuasca vine is an MAO inhibitor, which prevents the chemical in the "other" plant from breaking down in the gut. The chemical in question is DMT, and it has been called the "Spirit molecule". It's also the chemical produced in the brain that is responsible for dreams, prophetic visions, and various psychic phenomena. You can find out a lot about it in the "hallucinatory substances" section on this forum. People sometimes isolate DMT from various plants and smoke it.

It's interesting to note that traditional use does not focus on the chemical itself, but rather the spirit of the plant for its medicine(this is true of most any traditional medicine), and that the plants that actually contain the DMT are not the focus. The spirit is said to be contained in the ayahusasca vine itself, and this spirit is the plant ally a traditional shaman would be working with.

It may be for the better that you chose not to experiment with that - taking ayahuasca causes a whole lot of vomiting and diarrhea along with the trip.