The Weed Nerd~

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Well-Known Member
That has got to be a huge head rush my man.
Very impressive to this old man.
Its inspiring to find out so many hard core tokers hit the gym or at least stay in shape in there own way!!



Active Member
Hey Sub thanks for answering my question about your knee man.Yeah I left you a comment back on youtube but I have had this account guess its time to use it lol.I been mostly on Greenpassion lately.But I try to work out daily.Usually consists of situps,jumping jacks,stretches and I lift weights.I do a whole lot of walking.
Its been over 2 years since the surgery and im getting around ok for the most part now but it has alot of trouble.Especially on rainy days or if has been over worked,sometimes I will bend it wrong or something and itll mess it up for a few days.On my first surgery my leg was completely sideways by the time I got back in for the second,I was walking on it like that and it felt diffrent to say the least.But I have been taking vitamins and trying to eat as good as possible Ans working out my motto is slow and steady winds the race,Im not trying to over push myself but i really wont my body back to normal.I layed in a bed or on the couch for a good 2years total imobile from complications.I was in a carwreck and the dash came back on me and totaly shattered my knee cap and everything around it,I didnt get a replacement they went in with a bunch of big fuckin woodscrew lookin things and plates and put it all back togather....I sometimes think the knee replacement would have been the best route even though it would probably have to be done again later in life.Im 23 now and the doc said forsure by my 40s its gonna need to be redone anyway..So I dont really know what to think of it.I am just gonna stay positive and keep plugging away with my strains and workout routines.
Thanks alot for the words of wisdom Sub makes me feel better about the whole deal,And also whats a couple of your favorite strains to smoke when your havin a rougher day? Im pretty sure JTR will be one of them,I have been looking into it alot lately and the X's you have made with it.I am running your plushberry right now and am super pleased with every pheno I found,I kept a good spacegueen pheno aswell as a niiice blackcherry one,Love the high and flavor.Its real relaxing and leaves me plastered to the couch laughing at stuiped shit for a hour or so lol.But stay high brother! Thanks again!!!

If you could send a Shout out to my Brother "Kyle" he's going threw some legal issues right now over his setup.The police basicaly robbed him with no warrant and took everything he own's,were hoping they drop the case do to the crap job the police done but who knows.We live down south and I already know your feelings on "The South" and I gotta tell you its rough down here man,but Soon enough itll all come through.But if you wouldnt mind just throw a shout out for him maybe lift his spirits,He wasnt Cash cropping simply growing to stay out of trouble,he didnt hurt noone the cops came to his door cause there was a thief running through the they say! They knocked on his door,He answered it when he opened the screendoor the cop grabbed his arm and yanked him out.Well human instinct he pulled him arm back and the cop knee'd him in the back of his leg and dropped him and 3 of them held him at gunpoint,no rights where read to him so another fine job. But sorry for the life story man.I watch every weednerd,I was hittin my vape this mornin when you started talkin bout your knee,I just started cheesin lol.But thanks again for gettin in debth it ment alot man.And keep up with what your doing man podcast or not your show kicks ass,and Fuck anyone who dont like the Head banging!!!


Active Member

Keep on working out I don't get to the gym but I do try and put in a few miles every day!

WEED NERD REQUEST: Can you discuss pinching the stems of your flowering plants? Do you do it? What do you think the main benfits are?

Don't get caught with your plants down!

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
Fuzz that Sub, you and Vernon Phillips inspired me to get back into my training program! Keep up the good work on all ends.

20 Pull Up Dab Challenge

Only got 18 in, just started training again after a year of healing from a wrist injury.
hey man! nice run up there on the pull up bar! pull ups are great for the bicep too, I recommend fully extending the elbow on the way down so you develop the whole muscle! you will SEE the benefits of using a full motion in the long term vs FEELING the benefits of short motion right now.


Well-Known Member
so im finnaly caught up on the weed nerd hell yeah!!! sub when you gunna have another promo at the attitude i allready have your jillybean and qrazytrain cant wait to purchase your cheese quake just waiting for the oppertune time , thanks for all the great work that you do

Matt Rize

hey man! nice run up there on the pull up bar! pull ups are great for the bicep too, I recommend fully extending the elbow on the way down so you develop the whole muscle! you will SEE the benefits of using a full motion in the long term vs FEELING the benefits of short motion right now.
This kind of pull up doesn't work the bicep, its works the forearm and back mostly. I am using a forward grip, palms forward, more difficult than a normal pull up. A full extension is actually harder on your elbows (I'm already damaged), depending on how far you extend. If I full extend my feet touch, no bueno. I focus on core control more than anything. I am not using a pull up bar, that is a hang board for climbing training. You're not really supposed to do pull ups on them. And yeah, if I was breathing during the pull ups I would do them slower. But as long as you do them static (as in core flexed, no bouncing), its good exercise. Most of my training is about focusing adrenalin, anaerobic endurance, and short bursts of power. :mrgreen:

Hey Sub. On a previous weed nerd episode, you touched on stories you've heard how breeders over in europe mass produce seeds but didn't get too deep into the subject. No need to give names of other seed companies but just to give some insight for the 'average joe' on what goes on compaired to what you do. I've ordered seeds from breeders in europe and never got what I paid for. Either bad germination % or the end product wasn't what was advertised. I got some Dynamite from Next Generation Seed co. and the end product and description was dead on....loving it! Recieved a bunch of your genetics this week and will begin germinating Vortex this weekend. Maybe you can speak on this matter some more on the next weed nerd. Thanks for being real.


whats up sub. been watching the weed nerd a lot lately. nice to catch up on what you have been up to. We've only met once or twice, so you may not remember me , but I just wanted to let you know I was still here growing your gear out man. I tested the kaboom a while back when i was growing out all your other gear. I think Ive grown damn near everything you have realeased besides appolo and jilly, I got a room of Qleaner going right now. Unfortunately I lost my prized vortex, JTR, and tiny bomb cuts do to unforseen circumstances. lucky I stashed some cheesequake beans you gifted me as well as some pandoras box I bought a while back from that site your not on anymore. I really want JTR again and am supposed to be growing some Ace of spades clones out a buddy selected from a 10 pack (found 3 winners) So I shall report back with some pics and feedback when I have the time. Keep doing the weed nerd man. I enjoy it and have often thought about doing something similar.
take it easy Sub and Keep doing what you do best!


Active Member
Hey Sub... Ive been doing some reasearch on RAW Cannabis. spec THC and CBD acids.. they state you get more medical properties out of RAW Cannabis then Igniting or Vaping does. I have been told that you should make juice out the fresh plant material for the best results.. I would like your input on this subject

Peace N Pot


Well-Known Member
Juicing is amazing stuff.
Raw plant material seems to have many disease fighting properties.

Taste like shit to me sorry.


Active Member

On WEEDNERD you said there is a PH for SS when it is done activating.

I watched 13 weednerds on my days off, you said you will know when your SS is done ACTIVATING by its PH.

I was pretty medicated... so i cant quite remember what you said.

Im concerned only cause my SS has been ACTIVATING at 50F in the garage on top of cold ass concrete. I KNOW ITS JUST SOIL but there is a lot of science in your mix.
Its PH was 7.4 and its been ACTIVATING for 5 weeks.

Hey i just ordered Agent Orange & Vortex a couple days ago for Attitudes "lucky 7" promo

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