The Weed Nerd~

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There's a reason tga has the best genetics in the world. Sub is a beast. Roll or get rolled over.

i have this sneaky suspision that Sub and Jilly are just getting started! i really believe TGA and Sub are going to be the true super-stars in the entire community.......esp. if sub keeps killing it like he has this past year....TGA has started this "sharing the dank" philosophy that is really unpresidented in the ganja world, and i believe it is starting to spread like wild fire.....people everywhere are realizing that our movement towards the end of prohibition begins and ends with the people themselves.....this no longer has anything to do with government, or athority for that matter........and the road to the end of prohibition is paved in generosity, sharing, support and love.......that is why i grow subs gear.:leaf:
I love subs philosophy of the teaching to grow and educating the people that dont know thats what i try to do without getting pissed because people have been taught to fear cannabis as a heavy drug. Yet these people drink themselves to stupidity daily and they think the bud is bad. Its tough not too get pissed when trying to explain to them the benefits and the truth. Thats what we do have on our side is truth. The governments lies and propoganda to scare these people have thought this way for so long that some dont even wanna hear it. They just dont get how much money could be generated and saved within the government. Big money is the ones that stand to lose the biggest big pharmecutical companies, lumber, whatever they cant have that. Explaining this to an ignorant individual at times makes me wanna rip there throat out. I usually have to end the discussion with If you have the right to put liquor in your body get in your car and kill a family then i should have the right to put cannabis in my body and drive normal without killing someone. If i get caught with my pot walking down the street on the way to the market hurting no one i shouldnt have to go to jail for a week. As where you can drink yourself to stupidity get caught driving down the road and only spend a day in jail. Who do you think is putting the public at risk more. Thats how it works in most of montana I am lucky and greatful enough that i have a card so that i wont go to jail. I have a legitimate reason to have my card. These people also when i tell them i have a card for medicinal purposes give me shit i say now your being really ignorant now your a doctor huh when did you find the time to study on the trips to the bathroom and back to the bar. I truly think of subcool as the rockstar of the cannabis movement. Growing with a way that doesnt harm the earth and spreading the word. Teaching the way of the dank. I have now ranted more than I first sought out and no one reads long posts so thats it. Keep spreading the word and educating the public this is what we have to do as i believe Subcool has said before.
I agree totally Nugs the biggest problem we have in the movement is american''s can't stick together.Just think of the march we could do on congress if everyone attended!!! hell we could shut down washington in a matter of hours if everyone wern't skeered!
We are the government! Want to change things? Run for office, get petitions signed, start a grassroots movement!
We are the government! Want to change things? Run for office, get petitions signed, start a grassroots movement!
You know, you are absolutely right. Exercising our right to vote is fundamental, but if you really want to make changes you have to hold office. Or have a ton of money.
Anybody know how I can save my outoor plants from destruction this year? Using NEEM and BT.



Anybody know how I can save my outoor plants from destruction this year? Using NEEM and BT.




I double layered some bird netting and came up with a crude playpen for my girls

I picked up some tent stakes to tighten things up and it has been pretty good so far, I still inspect my girls daily and find few caterpillars on them

I hope this helps I know it did with my crop this year

Wow! The Feds moved on Harborside dispensary, you know the one on the show Weed Wars in Oakland, CA and is seizing their landlords property and is aiming to shut them down. Fuck one Barack Obama, fool me once...never again. I'd rather have a Morman tell me he's gonna fuck me and be honest then have a friend who I trusted stab me in the back.
Thats what they warned they were going to do months ago this is nothing new... they are just following through on their threats from the last crackdown. Remember the whole big deal was they sent the letters to all of the land owners telling them either to evict the dispensary they rented to or face loss of land.

Just going to throw it out there but Im afraid if everyone feels so disenfranchised currently that Romney is going to get in and the nice plushy medical community were all getting used to will start vanishing.
Almost a month now--->in a week and still no rain. I know it's gonna be at least a good solid month without rain this time out. To early in the cycle for dat kind of bidness! Roots aren't deep enough, plants aren't big enough droughts are for buds, not leaves anyhow, I'm getting killed over here. One good drenching could bust em out though, but I know I've already lost a lot of yield no matter what and just hope to get through winter at this point. Hottest winter on record and now this. It's hard to get yield these days.
Just wanted to say that watching the show has increased my skills tenfold and thanks for all the effort that goes into making these available for us. I also wanted to thank everyone for giving me the courage and inspiration to start video logging my grows. Love to research...............
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