The Weed Nerd~

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love that shit..... if only i kept a mother:( i miss dark purple nugs from a 75 degree room haha. one day ill get another pack trying to find that special lady
gotta love the purps...I have a Nerd question, Sub, I've heard you mention that you use co2, I saw the bottle at the new place too. Have you discussed your co2 method at length anywhere, I'd like your thoughts on it plz
dude i love tga and have smoked DP and plush berry and so called gdp i grow querkle and nothing comes close to the real california grand daddy purple bed time dank for shure. i popped a 5 pack of qush so hopfuly ill get a stoney indica pheno with yield i do hydro
gotta love the purps...I have a Nerd question, Sub, I've heard you mention that you use co2, I saw the bottle at the new place too. Have you discussed your co2 method at length anywhere, I'd like your thoughts on it plz

I thought I heard him mention that he runs a standard set up, with a CAP monitor/controller, appx. 1500ppm, sealed room. But I would love to hear Subcool talk more about his atmospheric environment in general. Also, I'd like to know how he likes the mini splits.
Hope you get your net back soon sub...

I'm curious what TGA has coming out new (if anything) in the next 6 months... or even a hint what/when the next new thing may be? :) Not that I don't have plenty of the catalog to work through still, but always curious and always planning that next seed purchase ;)
Is Oregon blues going to be in a TGA cross at some point? They look fantastic but I'm not seeing'em available online anywhere and i've read they won't be a tga release.... so kinda bummed as i'm not seeing how I can get any :)
OB is not our work were just growing it out.

Dioxide may work with it in the future but he has 20 other crosses in the works to so I can't predict what he will bring forth next

wow sub...Blocked me on youtube for a simple comment...Dont like people to have freedom of speach or share their own views...Was a huge fan that purchased seeds from you but today shined a fcked up light on you that some have claimed you to be and i always said you were not....Was it the drinking one or the matt rize one that you deleted????o well im sure ill get blocked again here instead of a response....Really trying to not be a dick and assume you didnt mean to erase that comment and block me but it seems hard that was a mistake....(check matt rizes facebook if you want to see how he acts online...since you praise him so much puts a bad light on you as well...but im a no buddy so....)
Medical Grow, Subby says he doesn't read Youtube comments anymore. More than likely it was one of Sub's designated guys, who felt he is simply doing his duty and protecting TGA in some way, kind of like what we used to see more of here with that one guy.
wow sub...Blocked me on youtube for a simple comment...Dont like people to have freedom of speach or share their own views...Was a huge fan that purchased seeds from you but today shined a fcked up light on you that some have claimed you to be and i always said you were not....Was it the drinking one or the matt rize one that you deleted????o well im sure ill get blocked again here instead of a response....Really trying to not be a dick and assume you didnt mean to erase that comment and block me but it seems hard that was a mistake....(check matt rizes facebook if you want to see how he acts online...since you praise him so much puts a bad light on you as well...but im a no buddy so....)
suck nuts hater....
Just really blew me away. I said fck alcohol Haha... busting his balls for drinking...didn't realize he had other peeps take care of that stuff. So if it was not you sub I apologize. Im not trying to be a hater or cause drama just crazy to get completely blocked on YouTube ...
Hey weednerds! So my supersoil is Roots based, as and such, just spotted some thrips. I have some Spinosad, but the directions are for spraying, not soil drench. So question is, how much do i put in a gallon of water?
Maybe it would just be easier if someone would teach me how to unblock people?

What I do I do period love it like it what ever and I do fuck up a lot!

It is what it is guys working my ass off and having fun some times a comments makes me side ways and poof I axe that person over reaction? Of course...

I wasn't meaning to cross you man. Truly look up to you and what you have built...kinda why I blew up cause its like your icon just said f off or something. Again I apologize my man didn't mean to cause any crap...bad poke at you:/
The only thing I take issue with is that Sub was drinking a Corona. :shock: With all the great beer in California the man drinks a Corona. Surely someone in your circle of friends is also a Beer Nerd. :D

After working hard in the yard all day, enjoying a cold IPA and a bowl while grilling... well that's just California heaven right there.
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