The Weed Nerd~

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Don't knock it till you try it. Like I tell my kids - "If you don't like it spit it out!"

Got turned on to "Red Beer" in Colorado as a morning pick-me-up. This is the Southwestern version.

I am not Bud Light fan but this stuff is really good.
OREGON BLUES.....bitches!!!!!!!!! am i dreaming..did i here that right..a tga strain..told momma them babies dont need diapers or christmas ...gotta start saving now :-P
ooo snap, i was hoping to pop some of those oregon blues. havent been this excited for new gear since i got ripped bubba testers last year !
Well, there's two types of outdoor. Outlaw gorilla growing and lawful Nor Cal growing. When you're able to tend outdoor plants like indoor plants and have the beautiful Northern California weather working for you it's closer to growing indoors for the most part. I just wanted to say how nice Subs plants look outdoors. I was able to see structure even though they had a late start. Absolutely beautiful looking hybrids that I'm used to seeing on my end. I'm convinced Sub is just one of those guys who are able to assess new plants as keepers or not very quickly and on instinct and keeps his standards very high. The Oregon Blue had some nice frost and color. The frost tended to be concentrated on the bud tips but appeared very large.
i use the same snips, they are truely badass. they were designed for the wine making industry for harvesting grapes one at a time all day long. i give them as gifts to my grower friends.

bongsmilieWhat up nerds! Nugs and kane, I also enjoy my made in Japan ARS "long craft" model that I hijacked from the greenhouse I used to grow in 13 years ago. The rose "grading" ladies would trim down rose cuttings for rooting. I wonder if that is a little alligator pictured that is ready to devour some ganga.

Hey Sub, you never introduced us to the new guy, or I missed it. Maybe he has a cool nickname too. Peace:weed:
Hey subcool love your work! Your supersoil graced the pages of mary jane magazine last month lovin the weed nerd vids just wanted to give a shout out bro
Nice camera work Jilly!....great job guys.....Law! old crumugeon!...i imagined you about exactly what you look like....good to see you brother!....nugs
Nice camera work Jilly!....great job guys.....Law! old crumugeon!...i imagined you about exactly what you look like....good to see you brother!....nugs
bongsmilieLaw. Thanks Nugs. And I thought I had the bestest, mostest top secretest scissors ever, until now:lol:.

Yo Sub, is there any chance you are headed to Weeden this Fall? Last years footage was The Dank. Peace Nerds.:weed:
Sub finally get to try out your gear. I am in the process of germinating your Agent Orange and love your packing method. Heard so many good things about your work here on RIU and from people that work at our local collectives. Pretty nifty you pop in from time to time and put up threads.
Wish I was in a place I could buy sub grown medication just to compare it to what I grow :) and if it's better, to figure out what i need to do to get there ;)
My Official statement on the suspension of comments on Youtube

First the show will continue so no worries. I think I have proven it can't be stopped..
The people that watch the show because they enjoy it will continue to do so Its a great mix of entertainment and knowledge simple I enjoy doing it.
The people that just post rude comments that piss me off will stop watching and Can't comment and that's fine as I don't enjoy working my ass off and being unappreciated even if its just a few dick heads.

FYI I don't read the comments often but Prospect was and it was actually bothering him.

This is all over me not answering grow questions in a public place and these morons don't get its federally illegal for me to give that advise even though I have been doing so for 2 decades through other channels.

Comments are welcome but as I will prob have memorialized somewhere "It is what it is"!


Doesn't bother me at all, I just watch and don't even read the comments :) Sure don't blame you tho sub I hate people like that. I keep my comments to the weed nerd forum anyway ;) There are always haters and negative people -- can't let'em get you down -- onward and upward, higher and higher :)
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