The Weed Nerd~

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Fuckin' A Sub, congrats and thank you for bringing 100 episodes of the Real DANK! Basically one hundred good smoke sessions although i think i've probably toked up with u via the world wide web a couple hundred times because i watched most episodes twice haha. I've learned a shit load and its always good chillin with you and the fellow avengers. lookin foward to many more sessions. much love from Maine. Oh yeah, TGA everyday
That bong vaporizer was bad ass. And awesome shroom you made Sub. Congrats on ep 100!! Thanks to you I just started my day off dank!
What up Nerds...Whenever I use my vaporizer I run the whip through my bong and no more dry, rough throat. But yeah, I'd like to test drive that thing! Peace
I own the Cloud Vape with the choice glass piece that goes with it. Got it when it first came out and was on the waiting list for over a year. I've been a fan of for about 3 years.
Just wanted to jump in and give a shout out to Subcool (awesome work) and all the weed nerds. I think I hopped on the train around episode 85 and been following every since.

Grew out a Vortex clone at the beginning of the year not knowing anything about Subcool, or his magic beans... I was blown away and not in the least bit surprised by his following. Keep up the good fight, nerds.

Malawi Outdoor Still Going and Going and Going..................



Gobble Gobble to all the nerds out there..Stay high,,give thanks,,and keep the shiny side up..peaceout and Have a DANK Day..
Happy turkey day to all those in nerdland... i just got home from the parents and it's time to get some ace of spades and cheesequake burnin
Thanks FarmerJohn FourTwenty --- Well, RIU does not want to let youtube be included today... but here are links for school of dank on youtube: School of Dank Day 1 - Subcool talks bubble hash - School of Dank Day 2 Dioxide shares his knowledge: Subcool School of Dank Autism Fundraiser November, 2012: Subcool School of Dank Autism Fundraiser November 2012 a: --Related: Growumentary 17 "School Of Dank Recap":
Motherfuckin RIU sometimes.

I know right? everytime I clicked on forum it would only take me to the articles or recent posts page. I had to go to my profile and click on the organic link from previous post just in order to get to that part of the forum!

And the login thing at the top hasnt been working ive had to click login, wait for main login page to pop up in order to login at all.
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