The Weed Nerd~

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A mickey is a drug laced drink used to incapacitate a person. They won't be able to defend themselves from robbery or rape or anything else and they won't remember much of anything. And sub thinks it's cool to name a strain after this.

Can you please point out where I insulted you?

Duuude,its the passive aggressive insult thing,you're like Marie on Everybody Loves Raymond!Move on!
A mickey is a drug laced drink used to incapacitate a person. They won't be able to defend themselves from robbery or rape or anything else and they won't remember much of anything. And sub thinks it's cool to name a strain after this.

Just shows how all u Americans think in Canada a Mickey is used to define a size of bottle of booze instead of bitching all the time wasting ppls time having to read ur bullshit can we all just go back to the plant? A name never hurt anybody should Mickey mouse change his name cause somebody got taken advantage of? Keep up the great work Sub love ur genetics!! I will never go back
Jack the Ripper is an urban legend. There's no concrete proof the guy actually existed.

A mickey is a very real drug that has caused a lot of pain and suffering to a lot of people.

You sir are an idiot, Jack the Ripper is more then just an urban legend... IT actually happened he was just never caught... theres a difference between urban legend, and someone not being prosecuted for not being caught. Unless your now trying to say those victims are all a sudden just just urban legend and made up as well?? I guess if there is no concrete evidence to convict a person it must mean it never happened right?

Just move on already.

BTW im sure he didnt name it Jack the Ripper because it kills people, more so do to the potency, which is probably where hes coming from more the Mickey thing.. as many other strains are named for potency.. As others mentioned if it is his strain then he can name it as he pleases so why do you care so much.
Just shows how all u Americans think in Canada a Mickey is used to define a size of bottle of booze instead of bitching all the time wasting ppls time having to read ur bullshit can we all just go back to the plant? A name never hurt anybody should Mickey mouse change his name cause somebody got taken advantage of? Keep up the great work Sub love ur genetics!! I will never go back

Mickeys is also a malt liqour here :D lol
Jack the Ripper is an urban legend. There's no concrete proof the guy actually existed.

A mickey is a very real drug that has caused a lot of pain and suffering to a lot of people.

You sir are an idiot, Jack the Ripper is more then just an urban legend... IT actually happened he was just never caught... theres a difference between urban legend, and someone not being prosecuted for not being caught. Unless your now trying to say those victims are all a sudden just just urban legend and made up as well?? I guess if there is no concrete evidence to convict a person it must mean it never happened right?

Just move on already.

BTW im sure he didnt name it Jack the Ripper because it kills people, more so do to the potency, which is probably where hes coming from more the Mickey thing.. as many other strains are named for potency.. As others mentioned if it is his strain then he can name it as he pleases so why do you care so much.

Yeah I am a simple man
Jack the Ripper = Killer Weed
Simple is sometimes the best! First time I saw JTR and read the description it sounded potent!! which is the whole reason I got it for, pain.
I like names that tend to describe the resulting cross or gives a sense of its history or describes it's primary aroma. Subcool comes up with great names for the most part I think.

When I'm judging cannabis strains, I like potent easy to grow fruity smelling plants. Terpenes are very important. The pot has to taste really good like juicy fruit gum or blueberry muffins or some other wildly fruity head and most get you ripped in 1-2 hits.
OK we can stop Now thanks Very Much I decided on Killer Clown or Clown Killer last night its now up to the breeder to decide thanks to everyone for chiming in and for the history lesson I didn't even know what a Harlequin was :)

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