The Weed Nerd~

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Active Member
Great Weed Nerd show again Sub, Their are many of us out here that are learning a TON about growing Cannabis, thank you Sub. The other thing I want to say is, We like YOU too, just watching the show is cool but YOU make it great, hope to keep watching in the future

P>S new year, new Santa vid...Traditions must continue, lol ...Dank back at 'cha


Active Member
how can the hash cure if there is no moisture in it?
Hash doesn't need to cure only dry correctly and evenly. Moisture is always a enemy in the iwe game and only leads to a harsh, degraded extract.

i forgot about the pocket cure, but isn't that a heat thang?? How soon after you dry do you guys rock a pocket cure?


Well-Known Member
Hash doesn't need to cure only dry correctly and evenly. Moisture is always a enemy in the iwe game and only leads to a harsh, degraded extract.

i forgot about the pocket cure, but isn't that a heat thang?? How soon after you dry do you guys rock a pocket cure?

ok thanks, it turns out I was always quick drying my hash because I am always in a hurry to smoke it ... I was doing something right without knowing!!

I know you wouldnt want dust in it or anything, but that means that once my hash is dry, it doesnt have to be in a air tight container? just sitting there at room temps (away from direct light) and my hash should keep for a long time this way?

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
Once your hash is completely dry you can store it in an air tight container, in the freezer for a long, long time and it will come out the same as it went in.
Anybody else think the youtube comments section is the worst cesspool for trolls, ever? I wonder if people even watch the videos with some of the stupid shit that gets posted on there. Anyway. CHEERS ...

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
I haven't read weed nerd comments in about a year or longer. They were getting predictable and dumb.
Time and time again I've seen video makers pumping out vid after vid as if looking for adulation like it was a drug.
I could listen to Subcool jam to records all day long, Youtube is curtailing that. I think it's wise for Subby to step back and focus on good content for new vids. Subcool is like the plant. He knows how to change an adapt.


Well-Known Member
What's up nerds! I'm heading to CO at the end of next week for the holidays -- if any of you nerds are in the Colorado springs - denver corridor, send me a PM I'm looking to meet up with a nerd or two while there to hang!


Active Member
I know Sub has kept mother plants alive for 20 years so I figured this would be the best place for the question. Does the plants potency deteriorate if you take your clone after the plant has gone into 12/12? Also is there a certain number of generations you can grow from a clone before you start seeing any drop off in the potency? My Querkle came up great! I love powering up with the Weed Nerd I hope the show continues!!! Everyone I show it too loves it, and is impressed with how humbly Sub shares all of his knowledge. Thanks for improving my world Subcool TV!
Sub does not keep mother plants. He takes clones off of clones off of clones. He also does not believe in genetic drift. I agree with this as I have seen clones off of clones for over ten years of some varieties with no degradation in quality. But, I think some strains exist where quality will diminish over time. Although some of that could be attributed to the grower. As for taking cuttings off of flowering plants. I'd say that should be for emergency situations only when you don't want to lose a lineage. Switching photoperiods too often can be confusing and stressful to plants. The last thing that you want to start any cycle with is stressed plants.

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
Taking clones after going into 12/12 flowering can be difficult but is possible especially during the first 2 weeks. The potency does not deteriorate you simple reveg under 24 hour light and then reflower the plant. A clone of a clone is the exact same plant. If the quality changes, then likely your grow methods changed.

About Subs knowledge...I have a lot of experience and what I like about Subcool is that he never has the attitude that he has everything figured out and is always ready to let the plant surprise him. And he's willing to admit if he makes a mistake. These are people you want to learn from, believe me.


Well-Known Member
I did a lot of flower cuts last round and my finding is that it's no harder to take a flower cut than a normal one at almost any stage of flower. But it's no different than revegging a flowered out plant as far as what you have to go through to get it back -- not at all worth it due to the reveg time. Only good reason to take a flower cut is if your veg cut of a keeper didn't survive for some reason. Yes, you can use it to 'monster crop', but you can LST/top a veg cut into a bush much faster than you can reveg a flower cut for monster cropping.


Active Member
Thanks guys, I was going to stop growing my white widow and then when it came down to actually cutting her down for the last time I couldn't do it. So I clipped a little bud and cloned her. My friend was telling me that she wasn't going to be as good anymore. She seems to being doing well though. IMG_0952.jpg

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
Never close out a clone unless you have something you know is better to replace it. Many of the best shop buds are clone only strains. Or you crossed the clone with original Cindy 99...well, then you can go ahead and close it out. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Taking clones after going into 12/12 flowering can be difficult but is possible especially during the first 2 weeks. The potency does not deteriorate you simple reveg under 24 hour light and then reflower the plant. A clone of a clone is the exact same plant. If the quality changes, then likely your grow methods changed.

About Subs knowledge...I have a lot of experience and what I like about Subcool is that he never has the attitude that he has everything figured out and is always ready to let the plant surprise him. And he's willing to admit if he makes a mistake. These are people you want to learn from, believe me.
I think ur wrong, I had a mutant clone a friend took off a two week flowering strain. That shit was not the same, used to be dank then it just grew funny (not many blades) and didnt do well.... stupid spider mites lost God Bud forever (till I can get more seeds)

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
^No, you can't clone infected plants unless you can somehow keep them alive while sterilizing them which is no easy task. Once you get a weak clone cleaned up and recloned to a new healthy plant you will once again get the exact same God Bud you were getting before. The inherent act of cloning does not change the genetics at all. OTHER factors can always effect the genetic potential.
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