how much do the tga beans run at the clubs? up in ak I go to hempdepot but i had wanted to buy wholesale thru site. but being out of state laws make it too skrewy? idk i' d love to buy a case of em' I think i hav about 9 10 packs of dif kinds of theirs. I know that if i had them i could help the legal card holders thru donations.
hemp depot will work you a deal for that large of an order I believe if you ask'em in advance... or at least they've been willing to work with me in the past on getting a discount on larger orders
I don't think dispensaries will send'em out of state even to medical holders in other states.
I'm just assuming there is going to be a 4/20 special based on the fact that last year both hemp depot and attitude had really good 4/20 specials. I may even order from both hemp depot and attitude so I can get the special from both if it's as good as last years. Last year hemp depot was buy 2 packs of tga get a free 5 pack and attitudes was buy 1 10 pack get a 5 pack free chernobyl or plushberry.
This year sub's mentioned he has a couple dozen strains coming out -- last year qush, ripped bubba and space dawg got released just prior to 4/20... i am betting on similar new releases (maybe more) this year as well.... I gotta stock up on some Ace of Spades first for my next pheno hunt so i can find the ultimate keeper to go with my timewreck cutting i'll be selecting from my 10 females