The Weed Nerd~

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The New Episode is uploading as we speak shot on Location at Elemental Wellness, a 5 Star collective IMO I was blown away it should load up later this evening.
The link is on The Weed Nerd FB page

If your in San Jose and have a Cali Rec you'd be crazy not to stop by they have some many products you can't even figure out what to buy
I went with 5 Deca dose Cheba Chews.

They put me up in a nice hotel, treated me like a Rock star and we worked a 17 hour day for em so I hope they got to really know and feel what were about.
I gave away 36 1/8th of Head Stash.
You might want to make the next quarterly Crop Circle I will host :)

For the Mods this is not a Commercial I was actually very impressed!!!
It's worth the trip and San Jose was nice!!

The Bacon Cheese Burger and Ciroc with OJ and Cranberry at 10.30 with the managers was epic shit!
Thanks To Degen and Chris and all the many other people I am sure worked there ass off that I simply can't remember there names...




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Sounds like you had a good day Sub! Wish I lived close enough to take advantage -- trying out some of subcools flowers is on my list of things to do once I get to cali :) i really want to compare to what i produce for comparison :) I'm planning on starting up my own collective, too. Can't wait to watch the new nerd.

Just mixed up a batch of super soil today for those Ace of Spades that should be arriving this week and my 2nd run of timewreck and chernobyl x space jill cuts which reminds me I need to go check on those

I just got up from my nap & what a great day my only fault was not snapping pics for the nerds & that will NOT be the case next visit, for those who came out to hang thank you and a BIG thank you to Elemental Wellness for a 5 star day

Great energy from the start that kept on going all day and I also snuck in a massage on my bad arm to get the blood circulating & scar tissue broken up before the fun started which they offer massage services to all patients, Brian rocks to say the least

Great people, great location, great products and a plethora of services & info on our craft

Check them out I have been blazing their bubble all day :clap:

Would have totally gone if I had known, looks like a sweet collective and only a few hours drive for some dank buds!

Thank u sub
Let us toke indeed... watching the weed nerd late night... my first thoughts are...

Sub, if driving on the 580 scares the shit out of you, maybe best not to listen to Dark Side of the Moon while you do it!! :)

Loved the parking lot toke... I'm a parking lot toke afficionado and I have many spots throughout the city that are great for it... my favorites have a commanding view of downtown where i live. Stick and move.

Just finished... man wish I coulda been there sub was rollin... that story about dioxide and the vortex pollen was not only classic but comically delivered ;)

Hey sub got a question on Oregon Blues... it seems like everyone in TGA is running it... but it didn't make the cut...? If it didn't make the cut, why is everyone at tga still growing it? :) Was there ever any news on someone else releasing it if tga doesn't? It seems like the people who got it and have cuts of their preferred phenos going have no intentions of letting it go, so it seems like that's pretty TGA-worthy to me ;) We got quite a windstorm going here... crazy...

Made super soil today. GANJA FARMER
That seemed like a great day. I liked the small business part. I would love to pick someones brain more in depth on that.
Great episode...super informative
took some pics earlier thought i would share

View attachment 2583574 cheese quake #1 cheesey smellin girl
View attachment 2583575 cheese quake #2 has a grape cheese smell and insanely dense short squat plant with huge buds
View attachment 2583584 the void love this plant it grows nice long buds that turn purp with good temp drops has some purple to it but cant see it much in the pic gona get a better camera for close ups at harvest time . pretty strong meds too

cheese quake void fruity chron cherry pie 079.jpg well this is my tga side of the garden the funk is incredible im glad i live in the country cause my house has a green fogg that just hangs around all the time for atleast a good 50 feet around it and who knows whats like down wind sure it would knock ur socks off wish i had the cash for new filters right now
I love the Cheese and it's crosses. Got some Cheese x C99 less than a week from harvest, adding on some mad weight. Nice plants you have there.
To TGA Subcool,
I have been watching all the weed nerds up to 39, so forgive me if you've answered this in an episode Ihave not seen. Are you currently working on a new book to include your new strains you've crafted since publishing your first? The show is great! Your strains, I enjoy very much! Peace.
Oregon Blues is nice, but it has some MAJOR flaws, I wouldn't give the cut to anyone, simply because it's such a bitch to grow I wouldn't want to hear the complaints afterwards. lol.

Lets just say it's picky. lol. I'm not even topping/training mine anymore and is not really suitable to stick around in my indoor garden.

Sub can't go out and release seeds that not everyone can grow, that would be kind of a dick move.... and a headache I assume.
True... I guess there's no way to prevent the uninitiated from buying them and being pissed, just wish there was some way to give it a shot for those of us who don't mind the headaches just to get what we're looking for :) But I expect sub'll have some stuff coming out this year and we'll be saying 'oregon what?' a year from now.

Sub you're already my cannabis hero but if you ever find a strain that smells like straight up coconuts with a killer high, I'll consider you a golden god :) I would go crazy for that :)
Reef this is the description of The 3rd Dimension ....

[TABLE="width: 320, align: left"]

[TD="colspan: 3, align: justify"]Tropica flavors range from coconuts, pineapples, kiwi and fruit punch

It would be kewl to see a coconut pheno :)

Hey Sub, Did I hear you right you will be going to Elemental Wellness for Q/A three or four times a year from now on?
Yeah 3D is on my upcoming list.. I think it's supposed to be more of a pina colada smell though.. looking for coconuts.. .but i will probably pheno hunt it regardless just in case :) Gotta get through my ace pheno hunt first :) it's gonna take me years just to pheno hunt through my existing list of tga strains i'm looking at without all these new ones getting ready to come out :)
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