The Weed Nerd~

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Got luck today and scored this bit of history at a used bookstore. Not bad for $32.00 since it is no longer in print.
TGA 2 002.jpg
Hey Nerds, has anyone heard from Dave at Weeden lately? Been wondering lately about how goes it in his little piece of heaven. Hopefully everythings going well and maybe we'll get a little content about some spring prep soon. (Lol, if you wanna call this spring!) Love, Peace, & Chicken Grease!

He hibernates every winter in a den of Cheese Quake.
AOS..not the keeper but love it...and bubblegum (Santa Claus) cut....smells like big league chew..


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Good Morning RIU!
Have a question that Im always finding two answers to.

Co2 during the final stages (Last 2 weeks) of flowering? Leave it on? Turn it down to ambient co2 levels? or just turn it off? What does the almighty sub do?
Stay lifted!
Have you heard something I haven't? I don't see any reason to turn it down the last 2 weeks. That's when your plants are putting on a lot of their bud weight that seems like when you would need CO2 levels at their highest, not the lowest.

I was told turning CO2 off in the first two weeks of flower was advisable to prevent stretch. Any nerds know if this is true? Would turning off the co2 to prevent stretch do more harm than good (ie, they don't stretch but they also don't produce as many nodes)?
Have you heard something I haven't? I don't see any reason to turn it down the last 2 weeks. That's when your plants are putting on a lot of their bud weight that seems like when you would need CO2 levels at their highest, not the lowest.

I was told turning CO2 off in the first two weeks of flower was advisable to prevent stretch. Any nerds know if this is true? Would turning off the co2 to prevent stretch do more harm than good (ie, they don't stretch but they also don't produce as many nodes)?

Some posts Ive been reading says it starts the ripening stage... But Im very skeptical thats why I came to this thread cause the weed nerd is the shit!
It's just not needed that last week or so, most people just shut it off then because it's a waste of CO2.

I ran perpetual w/ it on 1500ppm all the time, i only saw issues w/ that the first week or so... never had an issue running it to the end but i also didn't see any difference when I cut it off the last week.
^ Right on, is anyone opposed to covering the plant like in a large trash bag for the final 3 days so it receives no light before you chop her down?
^ Right on, is anyone opposed to covering the plant like in a large trash bag for the final 3 days so it receives no light before you chop her down?

that sounds like begging for mold/mildew. i dont bother with a dark period but if i did, it would be well ventilated.
^ Right on, is anyone opposed to covering the plant like in a large trash bag for the final 3 days so it receives no light before you chop her down?
Darkness YES...trash bag NO. Just take it out of your room and put it in the dark for a day or so. The trash bag will touch her and major humidity issues even though it is just the last few days. If the whole room is ready together just shut the lights off.
Im pretty sure that whole theory of darkness before chopping comes from light and heat degrades thc all day long then rebuilds again during the dark or along those lines.
I dont even have a copy of Dank A good friend talked me out of my copy.
Dont run co2 in first 2 weeks of flowering (stretch) Or during last 2 weeks.
Thanks for the response sub and others. I wonder why it doesn't need it the last 2 weeks I'd think that's when it needs it the most but maybe ripening doesn't require much co2 I guess.

Here's another question... anyone know how much co2 plants put out at night? I have my grow room divided into 2 chambers, light and dark, with the light having 2 12/12 shifts and the plants get swapped to the dark area. I'm finding my co2 ppms are a lot higher with the girls in the dark in the same room than they were before... trying to figure out if plants in the dark really put out that much co2 or if I got some other source (yes I know I affect the meter). Usually when I first come in and check, ppms are hanging out anywhere from just below 1000ppm to 1200-1300ppm, but i've had a couple of times i've gone in there and they were betwen 1500 and 2000 for no apparent reason. Keep in mind I have 9 small to medium sized girls in the dark in the middle of flower stretch and putting out flowers, so don't know if that affects what they might put out in their dark phase. I just know they are supposed to put out some co2, but don't know how much
The info,the pictures, and the videos...
It makes me happy to be a Nerd(never thought i'd ever say that in this lifetime!!!)
Thanks to all here that help me step my game up..I'm growin dank like never before..
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